酒をやめようとしてからも、仕事仲間との集まりには出かけていました。そのうちの何人かは、私が酒を「ひと休み」していることを知っていて、私が公の場ではあまり酒を飲まなかったので戸惑っていました。仲の良い友人の何人かは、その一部始終を知っていました。私の飲み過ぎはずるずると続いていました: 特別支援教育のために子供たちのテストをするため、学校へ行ったり来たりする車の中とか、社交行事に行く前 、子供と夫が寝た後などに飲んでいました。
現在の私の習慣はかなり退屈ですが、健康的です。「年老いて」引退することは、私にとって良いことでした。私の身体、私の霊性、そして他者への奉仕が私の人生です。だから、偉そうに聞こえるかもしれないけれど ... 私は週に5日ほど車で町へ行き、レクリエーション・センターでエクササイズのクラスを受けています。それはたいていの場合、夫が飼育している牛たちと、彼の孤独な生活から離れるためです!時々、AAミーティングに行って仲間に会うこともあります。教会の礼拝で奉仕することもあります。常に読書をしています(特にイギリスの殺人ミステリー!)
Translator : yu
I'm Nancy and I'm alcoholic.
This will sound weird, but I don't remember what most of my old habits were when I was drinking.
When I quit drinking, I continued going to gatherings with my work buddies. Several of them knew I was "taking a break" from alcohol, and were puzzled because I didn't drink much publicly. A couple of my good friends knew the whole story. My excessive drinking had been on the sly: in the car as I traveled to and from schools where I tested kids for Special Education, before I went to social events, after my kids and husband had gone to bed, etc.
It certainly was not easy, but I changed. I did it with the support of my AA people and my good friends who are "normal drinkers" (whatever that means!).
My habits now are pretty boring, but healthy. Being "old" and retired is good for me. My body, my spirituality, and my service to others is my life. So that doesn't sound pompous...I drive to town about 5 days a week to the Rec Center where I take exercise classes - and, mostly, get away from the ranch and all my husband's cows and his solitary life! Sometimes, I go by and see my AA friends. I occasionally serve at church services. I read constantly (especially British murder mysteries!)
My spirituality and my Higher Power are important. I keep delving into what interests me.
My life is so good! I'm very grateful, especially when my kids include me in their activities. If I wasn't sober, I would not know my grandchildren. My plan is to keep working the AA program and consciously trying to stay sober, One Day at a Time!
Thanks for letting me share.
Nancy Shaw