Topic - intuition or inspiration - Dave (2023/9/28)  [Home]






デヴィッド レイ

Translator : mk

Hi, everyone. My name is Dave and I am an alcoholic. Thanks for a great topic to get us started this week, Laurie. Welcome to all and congrats to AA (and HP!) for any milestones we celebrate this week. The program works!

I remember the first time I had one of those “random thoughts that saved my bacon.” I was 10 months sober and a brand new Navy lieutenant serving as the public affairs officer on a Navy aircraft carrier. We were heading home from a deployment when we received an urgent message to proceed at our top speed to provide helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft to help rescue four civilian mariners injured in an engine room fire that disabled their ocean going tug.

We did so, with our shipboard docs and corpsmen helping save the badly burned men and prepping them for transport shore, and one of our cargo planes flying them to a hospital with a specialized burn unit over the next 48 hours. This made national news, and we had lots of photos (some far too grisly for release). We got an unusual order from the 3-star we reported to in San Diego to pack up all the prints and negatives and send them ashore to his staff. I rounded up the imagery and arranged it to be flown out to San Diego.

Shortly after that plane left the deck, I was summoned to the bridge to speak with the Captain. He knew we had just sent all the pictures and negatives away, as ordered, but the one-star admiral onboard as our battle group commander had just asked him to see a set of the images. The skipper informed me that he wanted me to tell the admiral why we couldn’t give him what he wanted. I had not slept in 36 hours and dreaded what I was sure would be my first *ss-chewing by an admiral. I didn’t think it was particularly nice of the skipper to make me the sacrificial messenger, either. As I slowly made my way to see the admiral’s aide to arrange my untimely demise, I was thinking how if I could just ensure the next three days, I would be home ashore and could curl up in a ball and hide. Just as soon as this thought formed, I heard myself thinking, “Just for today.” My answer wasn’t in the future, it was right now. I picked up the pace and visited the aide’s office. He said the admiral (who had also been up all that time) had gone to sleep with instructions not to be bothered, so he called the Chief of Staff (COS) - a small, angry captain who frankly scared me more than the admiral! The COS said he had just gotten to his rack (bed) and to have me talk to the flag secretary — a friend of mine and a very reasonable fellow. I went to see Dusty and explained the situation. He asked if I had learned anything, thanked me, and sent me off to go get some sleep.

Sorry for running on so long with my “sea story”. I guess I got a little nostalgic.

Love and peace from a cool and (finally!) dry Moseley, VA.
David Wray

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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