Inventory - Jeff (2023/10/25)  [Home]


今、私は、酒を飲む必要がありません。神と呼んでいる、「自分を超えた大きな力」が、酒へのとらわれを取り除いてくれたからです。アルコホーリク アノニマスの




Translator : mk

Hi Everyone, Jeff, alcoholic,

Today I don't need a drink because the obsession to drink was removed from me by a power greater myself that I choose to call God. I've been able to keep the desire from coming back by staying connected to this power through taking the actions suggested in the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous and the love and support of our fellowship.

Thankfully, I am far from the person I was when I stumbled through the doors to my first meeting. I am pleased to report I am no longer a liar, a cheat and a thief. Yet, an honest inventory reveals areas of my life where I continue to react rather than respond to people, places and events. I sill get impatient when delayed, defensive when criticized, and angry when treated inconsiderately. In these and other areas my reactions are habitual and automatic. They separate me from real power and I back to running on Jeff power which is really no power at all. I’m better today but a long way from healed.

It's my experience that getting down to the "causes and conditions" of this ego noise is a slow, never ending process. Step 10 helps me become aware of my reactions to the people and situations in my life. It's only in this awareness that I can continue to grow and change.

Have a great sober week.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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