Re: ESH lead week of 10/29/23 - Debra (2023/10/30)  [Home]
Re: 10月29日の週のリード

マイク、今週のメッセージを運んでくれてありがとう。前回の入院で、私は リトル・ジョンという男の訪問を受けました。彼は私の枕元に座り、メッセージを運んでくれました、
に書かれているようにね。なんて素晴らしいんだろう。 霧が晴れて私がメッセージを伝えるようになるまでには時間がかかりましたが、
を使って生きることで、私は "How It Works (どうやれば上手くいくのか)" の見本となるのです。


Translator : yu

Thanks Mike for carrying the message this week. In my last hospital stay I was visited by a man named Little John. He sat by my bedside and carried the message to me, just like it narrates in the Big Book. How awesome is that. It took a while for the fog to clear and for me to start carrying the message but I am a firm believer that when we attend meetings no matter how much sobriety we have we are carrying the message because there would be no meeting if we didn't go. I too have slowed down due to age and Macular degeneration. But I have been to hospitals, spoken at meetings, and share my ESH with many others before and after meetings, sponsored others women and given rides to those who needed them. One of the most important things for me when carrying the message is my attitude and also my example. By working the steps and living the program in and out of the rooms I am an example of How It Works.

Thanks and Regards
Debra Gehl

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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