Topic 12-29-2024 - Pam (2025/1/5)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
やAAに参加している新しい仲間たちを歓迎します。そして、最後の飲酒から特別な期間を迎えた方々、おめでとうございます。マイク、トピックとあなたのシェアをありがとうございます。それらのおかげで私は25ページ (第二章「解決はある」) に目を向け、そこから前後のページを読むことになりました。自分がアルコホーリックであることは常に何らかの形で意識していますが、自分がAAにたどり着いた最初の経緯を改めて振り返る必要があると感じました。本当に感謝しています。以前この話をここで共有したことがあると思いますが、改めてお話ししますね。(^^ 1980年代初めのある時、私はアメリカを横断してカレッジの同窓会に出席したいと思っていました。当時、夫と私は毎晩飲酒する生活を送っていて、私は頻繁に飲み過ぎてブラックアウトしていました。そのため、この旅にかなりのお金を費やすので、すべてを記憶に留めておきたいと思ったのです。夫は、DJとして働いていた同僚がアルコホーリックであることを公言し、彼と彼の妻がAAに通うことでシラフになることに成功したことを知っていました。それは完璧な解決策のように思えたので、その妻(後に私の

Translator : yu

Good morning. Pam xxxx, a grateful alcoholic. Welcome newcomers to ESH and or AA and congratulations to people celebrating a particular time since that last drink. Mike thank you for the topic and your share…both sent me to page 25 which invariably led to reading preceding pages and those that follow. That I am an alcoholic is ever present in some way, but the very beginning, what got me here needs refreshing. So, thank you. I have related this part of my story here at some point, but here goes a retelling. (^^ Sometime in the early 1980s I wanted to attend a college reunion across country. During this time, my husband and I were evening daily drinkers. I frequently drank enough to blackout. Since I was going to spend a fair amount of money to make the trip, I wanted to be able to remember it all. My husband worked with a DJ who openly admitted he was an alcoholic, who, with his wife, stopped drinking by going to AA. Perfect solution…I called his wife (Tex/Patty xxx who later became my sponsor) and she took me to a few AA meetings. I didn’t necessarily want to stop drinking, I just wanted to learn how to do it better. Tex took me to quite a few meetings even though I drank before and after, but not to excess. Eventually I was able to stay dry for a few weeks before going to the reunion. I went to the reunion, had a wonderful time, and on the return to California stopped in Denver to visit a friend. That first drink happened and it was downhill until my family arranged for me to go to rehab at Duffy’s in Calistoga, California. Reflection tells me with complete surrender the day I arrived, something wonderful happened though I had not a clue what it was. When I try to explain my higher power, I’m at a loss…I just know that something wonderful stepped in and has been with me ever since. Spiritual awakening happened with following directions and taking action. I had so much help from Tex, my family, and a few friends. So here we go into 2025…stay well everyone. Peace…

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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