ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
Lin xxxxx
xxxx xxxx Street
Houston, TX 77009
Phone 713-724-xxxx
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
シップ・リストキーパーのパム・S ( に連絡をしてください。彼女がよろこんで、あなたのためのボランティアのリストを送ります。パムはまた、
おはようございます。パム・xxxxx 感謝でいっぱいのアルコホーリクです。このミーティングにようこそ。そして、最後の飲酒から一定の時間を迎えた仲間たち、おめでとうございます。また、
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
、テックス / パティ・xxxxが私に道を示してくれました…「ボトルに栓をして(飲酒をやめ)、ミーティングに参加し、
Translator : yu
The structure of an ESH meeting is that the chairperson selects a topic for the week and anyone in the group has the option to share on that topic. In order to keep the postings to a minimum for the entire group, we suggest that personal messages be sent directly to that person and not via the Group.
Comments should be closely related to recovery from alcoholism. "The ESH meeting will begin no earlier than Sunday morning anytime after midnight EST and members are requested to post their shares no later than the following Saturday night at 11:59 PM EST."
All members are encouraged to share their A.A. anniversary on their annual sobriety date. Tell the group what your life was like before AA, what happened, and what it's like today.
Also, please remember the cyber basket. Here is where you can mail your 7thTradition Contributions:
Make all checks payable to:
Lin xxxxx
xxxx xxxx Street
Houston, TX 77009
PayPal contributions may be made to:
Phone 713-724-xxxx
Please consider joining us at our monthly business meeting by signing up to join the Business List at
ESH is always open to new members. Please refer potential new people to our website at : .
If you're looking for a sponsor/someone willing to get you started.. (temporary or otherwise) please contact our Sponsorship List Keeper, Pam S, ( and she will gladly send a list of willing volunteers to you. Pam can also provide you with the names of service sponsors. These individuals have made themselves available to anyone who has questions about anything regarding service work, whether they currently hold positions or merely want to learn more.
Good morning. Pam xxxx, a grateful alcoholic. Welcome to our meeting and congratulations to people celebrating a particular time since that last drink. Thank you, Suanne for being a trusted servant of ESH and for allowing this opportunity to lead our meeting. I don’t know about you, but lately I sometimes feel as though I’m living in a topsy-turvy world. Daily I am reminded that am powerless to affect change beyond myself. Knowing AA has no opinion on outside issues, I will not venture there in any particular direction. Sometimes what’s happening in the world has a tendency to crowd in and disrupt the relative peace of mind and heart that I have been so fortunate to feel for many years. It’s not that I have any inclination to take a drink, but knowing “it’s” out there a sort of vigilance seems prudent. The TWENTY FOUR HOURS A DAY book resides on a kitchen sideboard. I found January 6 to have particular relevance: “Keeping sober is the most important thing in my life. The most important decision I ever made was to give up drinking. I am convinced that my whole life depends on not taking that first drink. Nothing in the world is as important to me as my own sobriety. Everything I have, my whole life depends on that one thing.” Step One is the beginning and it rings true for me every day. Remembering what it was like (though everything, absolutely, friends, location, sponsors, job have varied) and trusting in the steps, life has continued along the path of relative calm...not quite serenity, but peaceful. That sounds rather bold and in some ways undeserved. I continue to marvel how this happened and it comes down to believing and trusting that what I was told to do would work. First sponsor Tex/Patty Sue showed me the way…Put the plug in the jug, go to meetings, read the book, and eventually find a Higher Power. (The women at the Women’s meeting at Myrtletowne Survivors in Eureka took me in. I admitted I had been a horrible mother to my young children, and they told me I did the best I could with what I had.) Tex told me I had already done steps 2 and 3 just by making it this far. Steps 4, 5, and 9 are must do. There is no skipping. In particular if I didn’t do step 9, I probably would drink again. I believed her. So, did what I was told to do…followed directions. It worked then and it works still. It sounds so simple. Thank you all for being here. The meeting is open…no particular topic…