ある償いは、停電中に庭仕事をしていたときのことです。近所の金物屋に行って、草を一束買いました。お代済みのものもありました。でも、未精算のものもあったのです。車に荷物を積んで帰ろうとしたとき、一人の作業員がやって来ました。私は、急いでその場を立ち去りました。そう、今の夫と付き合い始めたとき、そこは彼にとって世界で一番のお気に入りの場所だったのです。彼は、そこを食料品店と勘違いしていたと、私は思います。(^^ そうですね、償いをすべき時だと分かりました。彼と一緒に店に入るたびに、入った瞬間から出るまで誰かが私を見つめているように感じたからです。それで、ある日、私はそこを通りかかったのですが、立ち止まることにしました。私は祈り、マネージャーのオフィスに行き、座って自分の話を少し話しました。私は物事を正すためにそこにいたのです。私に何ができるでしょうか?彼が公平だと感じることなら何でもするつもりでした。彼は、本当に、「何もいらないよ。今やっていることを続ければ、借金は返済される。」、と言いました。今では、私たちがそこに行っても、なんてことはありません。
これが私の償いのほんの一部です。行動の仕方を教えてくれる、シンプル (簡単ではないですが) な
デイト 2001年6月20日
Translator : mk
Hello all,
My name is Suanne and I am an alcoholic, grateful to be in recovery today. Thanks, Dorothy, for chairing the meeting this week and congratulations to you on your 38 years of sobriety. Wow, wow, wow! This program works!
My first set of amends was not nearly as complete as later on as the layers of that onion peel reveal more as time goes on. But it was as complete as I was capable of being. Today I do not know of any amends that I haven't done. But life still happens. I'm willing to nip it in the bud and do that amends as something comes up. I have learned, as someone else said, to use my sponsor and go over amends as necessary. Took me 14 years to make an amends to my first ex, and I have never seen my 2nd ex since the divorce. Truthfully, I hope I never will (!) but I'll cross that bridge if it gets here. God knows my heart.
I too was an isolater and my main amends were to my family. Worrying them unnecessarily, being emotionally unavailable for my son at times. But God had His hand in these amends as they are accepted. I was lucky. All of my amends were accepted. I know not everyone's are but I always think of the line in the big book: "the list is ours, not the other mans." I have to keep my side of the street clean because that is all I can control. Some people didn't even have a clue about why I was making the amends, but I did.
One amends was from being in a blackout and working in the yard. I went to the local hardware store and got a bunch of grass, some I had paid for but some I had not. One of the workers came up as I was leaving after loading my car and I got the heck out of there. Well, wouldn't you know that when my now-husband and I started dating, it was his favorite place in the whole wide world. He had it mixed up with the grocery store I think. (^^ Well, I knew it was time to make that amends because every time I went in the store with him, I felt like eyes were staring at me from the moment I walked in until the time I left. So one day I was going past there and decided to stop. I prayed, and I went into the manager's office and sat and told him a little of my story and I was there to make things right. What could I do? I was willing to do whatever he felt was fair. He really said: nothing. You just keep doing what you are doing and the debt is paid. Now when we go in there, it is not a big deal.
My biological dad passed away when I was only 12. I wasn't sober when my mom passed away from cancer. But I was there for her as much as I could be all the way to the end. I wish she would have seen me get sober, but it was 7 years later after she died. Funny thing though, God gave me another chance. My aunt (mom's twin sister who was my favorite person in the world) married my step-dad (who was my rock) after mom had been gone two years. So I had a new set of parents. I tended and cared for them for a couple of years before each passed away and took care of the bills and trustee of the estate.
So that's a little bit of my amends. I'm just glad we have a program that is simple (not easy) that tells me how to take action. I'm grateful that we have been given a way to "clean up" our side of the street and get honest, have self esteem again, bring us closer to God, and each other. We are the lucky ones.
Suanne G
DOS 6-20-01
When we get tangled up in our problems, be still. God wants us to be still so He can untangle the knot.