ESH surprise! - Susan (2024/2/3)  [Home]



10年間、私はAAと戦い続け、飲み続けたり、あるいは一時的に飲まずにいられる時には、ますます狂っていました。死が非常に、非常に近づいたとき - 本当に悪臭のするほど近づいたとき - それはまるでスレッジハンマー・大金槌(のように衝撃的)でした。私は(そっとではなく)ミーティングに押し込まれ、絶望的で、言葉を失うほどの苦痛で、ようやく仲間の話を聞き始めました。

驚きました:私は自分自身を見出だしたのです。まったくもって驚きました。ひらめきの瞬間に、私は混乱を見出しました。それはあなたのことではなく、神様の言葉でもなく、人生の不公平さでもなく、私の母親のことでもなく、「間抜けな」スローガンでもありませんでした ....



そして驚きは今も続いています ... 新たなハグと新たな一日と共に。


Translator : yu

Dear all,

I hated myself, life, being an alcoholic, judgemental churchianity (triggered by the "God" word), and it grew and grew, spilling over into fighting AA, everyone and not listening. I kept arguing and fighting (always in my head, even if I wasn't preaching or complaining at a meeting).

For ten years, I fought AA and kept drinking or getting crazier when I could stay dry for a time. When Death got very, very close - really, bad breath close - it was like a sledgehammer. I was nudged (not so gently) into a meeting, desperate and in enough pain to shut up, and start listening.

Surprise: I saw me. Oh my goodness. In a flash of clarity, I saw the mess, and it wasn't you, or the God word or the unfairness of life or my mother or the "stupid" slogans or.......

The surprise new view, included my first glimpse into something called humility, which led to surrender, with a smidgen of willingness, and a pinch of honesty and a teeny, tiny opening, which you all eagerly ripped open wider, with more than a few "suggestions."

Surprised into a startling sober life.

And the surprises continue,.....with new hugs and a new day,


This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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