ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
トピック:どんな時間の感覚を持っていますか --- 過去、未来、現在とここ -- それは回復して変わりましたか?「時間がかかるものには時間をかけろ」「これもまた過ぎ去るもの」という提案をどのように適用していますか?
時間の感覚 -- 過去、未来、今ここ -- は、回復してどのように変わりましたか?
私は、時間という概念は人間が創り出したものだと学びました。霊的な次元においては、時間は存在しないように見えます。というのもこの人間の産物(時間)は、 私がこの世にいる間にのみ重要なのです。なぜなら私たちが自分の時間をどう使うかによって、私たちの運命、価値観、習慣、性格、
とその質が大きく左右されるからです。私の考えでは、霊的原理を適用するAAにおける最大の社会的発明は、「今日一日」です。この原則は、アルコホリックにとってだけでなく、画期的なのです。ODAT (One Day At a Time) の漸進的な変化は、時間の経過とともに巨大な変化に集約されます。この原理のルーツがマタイ福音書6章34節にあることは、驚くにあたりません:「だから、明日のことを心配してはならない。明日のことはなるようになる。その日その日には十分なトラブルがある」この聖句の前のマタイ福音書6章33節が「第一のものは第一に」のルーツです。
の状態を左右するものではないということです。人生はやってきて、そして私は、神に頼りながら、時間を大切にし、ある出来事や、「嵐」や、試練や変化球にどう対応するか、より良い決定を行います。これは私にとって革命的な変化であり、成長し続けるものの一つです -- これは
私としては、"give time time "という言葉はあまり好きではなく、その意味も文脈も理解できないかもしれません。しかし、物事には時間がかかることがあり、それでも通常は、一定期間待つとか、行動を起こすとか、自分の意志による何らかの行為が必要だと、私は理解しています。私は ”Time In Must be Earned" (時間は稼がなければならない) というような「時間」が好きです。
Translator : yu
Good Afternoon ESH!
Thanks Mark for chairing this week and for this week’s topic. Congratulations also Mark on 11 years of sobriety!! Congratulations to anyone else celebrating a sobriety milestone this week! Welcome to anyone new to ESH!
Topic: How has your sense of time-- the past, the future, the here and now--changed in recovery? And how do you apply the suggestions to "give time time" and “this too shall pass”?*
Dominic recovered alcoholic. Before my recovery, I wasted much time doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. This led to becoming a real alcoholic. I drank for over 27 years, by the end of this ongoing party, I was alone, spiritually bankrupt, and still in thick denial about my alcoholism. Time, like life, happened to me and continued to march on.
How has your sense of time-- the past, the future, the here and now--changed in recovery?
I’ve learned that time is a human construct as there doesn’t appear to be time on a spiritual plane. Yet, this human construct is while I am here on earth important, because what we do with our time in large measure determines our destiny, values, habits, character, sobriety and quality of sobriety. In my view, AA biggest social innovation of applying spiritual principles is one-day-at-a-time. This principle is a game-changer and not only for alcoholics. Making incremental changes ODAT aggregate into colossal changes over time. It’s no surprise to me that the root of this principle comes from Matthew 6:34: “Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” The previous Scripture to this one, Matthew 6:33, is the root of where “First things first comes from.”
What’s changed in recovery for me about time, is that time, like life, doesn’t just happen to me anymore and drive my mood, happiness, state of sobriety. Life happens, and I, with reliance upon God, steward my time and my life by making better decisions on how I will respond to an event, a storm, a trial or curve ball. This has been a revolutionary change for me, and one of continuing growth--I attribute this to my spiritual awakening in my first year of sobriety. Time isn’t what is important, what is important is how I use the time available to me.
How do you apply the suggestions to "give time time" and “this too shall pass”?
For me, I not a fan of the saying “give time time,” perhaps I don’t understand what that means, nor the context. I do understand that sometimes things take time, yet usually that still requires some act of my will such as waiting for a period of time or taking action. I like the acrostic TIME, “Time In Must be Earned.”
I often apply “This too shall pass” for getting through a tough time. This too is a Scripture about King Solomon whose servants gave him a ring inscribed on the inside, “this too shall pass,” and was given to him to help realize whether something great or something sad has happened, “this too shall pass,” such a great spiritual truth.
Well thanks for reading, it’s time to fly.
Cheers & Blessings,