“Inside” Amends - Pam (2023/9/23)  [Home]
埋め合わせの "中身"


パム S

Translator : mk

Hi everyone, my name is Pam and I’m an alcoholic. Congratulations to you, Tina, on your AA anniversary this week. I’d like to share about amends inside AA that were not accepted. Over 20 years ago, while in AA, I caused harm to another AA member. It was not intentional, but I caused harm nevertheless. Because this person would no longer speak to me and even stopped coming to meetings at the place from where we knew each other, I sent a letter. I was sincere in the letter. She did not accept the amends. The city where we live is not that huge. Over the years I’d see her in the grocery store or even on the street where we both ended up living (!) and she would not speak. Now I’m back after going back out for 6 1/2 years and sober 10 months. I’ve been careful to not attend meetings where I know she goes; I really don’t want to cause further hurt. Two weeks ago we ended up in the same meeting (where I attend but she does not, sad but true). VERY unexpectedly, she came over to me after the meeting and said we’re “all good now”, that she’s glad I’m there. She hugged me. I was astonished and in shock after 20+ years of being shunned by her. Yesterday we were in the same meeting again, where we spoke to each other and shared in the same meeting. Goodwill exists again. I share this to say HP works in mysterious ways and that if anyone has ever made amends that were not accepted, well, you just never know.

Pam S
NW Indiana

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

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