Intuitively know how to handle bafflement - Mark (2023/9/28)  [Home]



「直感に従う」というトピック(テーマ)をありがとう、ローリー。 以前は私たちを困らせていた状況に、直感的に対処できるようになる方法という、第9ステップの約束を思い出します。私にとって、それはまさにあらゆることについてでした。




私たちには持ち家があり、ローンがありました。一緒に美味しいものを食べたり、お酒を飲んだりする楽しい仲間がいました。確かに、危機一髪の場面もあったし、取っ組み合いのケンカもありました ... そして結局、当時の多くの飲み仲間と同じように、私たちは職を失い、家を差し押さえられ、破産しました。そしてとうとう、酒を飲まない他のアルコホリックの助けを借りながら、私がクリアな頭でできる限り原理を実践することができるように、当時の状況のすべてが私をAAのミーティング会場に連れ戻してくれました。

しかし、私は現在も引き続き結婚しているし、娘も上手くやっています --- 娘の大学時代の暴飲暴食や飲酒はとっくに無くなっていました。娘は結婚し、私たちには孫も出来ました。AAに戻ってシラフになって、10年以上になります。それは不思議な事でしたが、困難な時もあったにせよ、何とかまだ生きていて、ソーバーでいられることに感謝しています。

の霊的道具一式を使って --- そして時には昔からよく言われる "上手く行くまではだましだまし" という即興的なアプローチで --- 私は自分の肌にずっと馴染んでいるし、誰かの役に立てることを願っています。


Translator : yu


I’m Mark and I’m an alcoholic. Good to be sober just to appreciate being sober…and being alive. I’m not really sure what being rocketed to the fourth dimension of reality exactly means, but life is good in simple ways I couldn’t imagine in my delusional dreams.

Thanks for the topic of following our intuition, Laurie. It reminds me of the 9th step promise about how we intuitively be able to handle situations that used to baffle us. Which for me was just about everything.

How to have the patience to fix something that should be easily fixed but was impossible once I’d ingested alcohol. How to interact with people without being paralyzed by self consciousness or acting like an idiot. How to get through more than a few days without drinking or taking other mood altering self prescribed substances. I intuitively knew how to drink alcohol/take drugs but I didn’t know how not to do those things.

And to be honest, I was baffled how I could somehow muddle through life given the drinking I was doing. Sure, I was trying to control the consumption using the usual tricks, but from a previous stint in AA I had been warned that if I went back out I would surely end up in jail, an institution or dead. But my denial at the time was I had a career that for a while doing great.

I was baffled how, if alcoholism was progressive and fatal, I could be doing well enough, starting big projects, getting grants, giving talks at the White House and in front of big groups. Life was good and drinking/drugging was part of it. I had a marriage and was helping raise my step daughter.

We had a house and mortgage. We had fun friends that we had delicious meals and drank with. Sure, there were some close calls and some fights… and eventually, like many people at the time, we lost jobs, lost our house to foreclosure, went into bankruptcy. And ultimately all of that propelled me back to the rooms of AA where I could practice the principles as best I can with a clearer head and the help of other alcoholics who are not drinking.

But I am still married, our daughter is doing well— her college binge drinking long gone. She’s married and we have a granddaughter with a grandson on the way. And I’m more than a decade back in AA and sober. It’s baffling but I’m grateful that as challenging as it has been at times, I somehow am still alive and sober.

Nowadays there are still situations that baffle me but with the tools of the program— and sometimes the old “fake it till you make it” improvisational approach—I’m far more comfortable in my skin and, I hope, better able to be of service.

Thank you all for helping me stay sober today

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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