Inspiration, Intuitive Thoughts, Decision-Making - Dominic (2023/9/25)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ





は手紙を書くべきだと言いてくださいました。私は直観的にわかりました。神はここで結果を潔く受け止め直接埋め合わせをし、恥ずかしがらないで、状況とタイミングで手紙を書くことを求めていました。彼に電話することに決めました。彼は向こう側の地方に住んでいたので近隣と他のことも検討した上、面と向き合う訪問はすべきでないと決めました。私がしたかった電話はしませんでした。話のポイントのリハーサルをしました。電話を取ったとき、体の中に予想していた恐れが出ることを感じることができました。埋め合わせをする最高の機会がやってきました。信念と快く償いをする気持ちやりました。電話が始まりました。硬くてぎこちなく始まり、そのうちしっかりとしてきました。驚くことに彼は埋め合わせ 電話をしたあの日、バックパックに入れて運んでいたいくつかの大きな石(自分が背負っていた重荷)を取り除きました。自由になったのです。私は遠くに行くことできるようになりました。まだ終わっていない仕事(私が片づけるべき)を考案した方法で重い荷物を背負うことなく行けるのです。私がほかの人にかけた迷惑は、自分の側を片付けることが重要な ことがわかりました。ほかの人が私に害を与えたとき(このケースでなくても)でさえ。



Translator : kj

Good Afternoon ESH!

Thanks Laurie for chairing this week, for your lead share and topic! Congratulations to Tina on 36 years last week! Congratulations to anyone else celebrating a sobriety milestone this week! Welcome to anyone new to ESH!

Topic: “I would love to hear your experience, strength and hope on the topic of intuitive thoughts / inspiration / decisions.”

Dominic recovered alcoholic. During my new life in sobriety and doing my best to conduct my life by our 12 step and biblical principles, I’ve come to really appreciate asking God to inform my thought-life regarding intuitive thoughts, motives, inspiration, and decision making. Many 24 hours ago, I turned much of pages 84-88 into 2 prayers, my Morning Prayer which incorporates “asking God when faced with indecision or inspiration, an intuitive thought or decision.” It’s been a fantastic blessing! The challenge sometimes is discerning “an intuitive thought;” that is, is this from God? Or is a Dominic with a good motives thought as Bill’s writing on Step 3 informs us in the Big Book. For me, it’s taken time and experience to realize that an intuitive thought from God is usually not a thought I would have in given some understanding of my usual pattern of thinking. And that intuitive thoughts from God these days come with an insight, inclination, or a subtle nudge to act on it. Sometimes it takes some prayer and contemplation to determine if God has given me an intuitive thought. I don’t get intuitive thoughts from God all the time, yet when I do, it is akin to a sense of deeper inner-knowing, more at the heart level and not just in my mind. May sound hokey, yet this is my experience and I claim no perfection in this, just testing.

In my version of the Morning Prayer, prior to what I outlined above, I ask God to direct my thinking that it be divorced from self-pity, dishonesty, fear and scarcity based thoughts and self-seeking motives. It’s interesting to note that when I got into recovery, my head was full of these type of thoughts and racing thoughts. Nowadays, thanks to prayer and thought-life practices, God has done for me what I could not do for myself. That is: my mind is running on empty much of the time with these type of thoughts, yet running on full with thoughts that are more “praiseworthy” as God might call them. After all, I learned about praiseworthy thoughts and tending to my thought-life from the Big-Book and the Good Book. Praise God for this! I certainly could not have experience with this kind of progress in these areas without the power and grace of God.

These days my life is better. A major contributing factor is that I make better decisions with reliance from God and discernment than I ever did when relying solely on myself to make decisions and run my life. Turns out, decision-making is an important life skill impacting every facet of our lives. It’s been a good idea to work to improve my decision-making and discernment.

Going back to last week’s topic, early on in recovery, I had a most-difficult amends to make. It was with the now ex-husband of a woman I had an affair with. He had tapped her phone so he knew about the affair. At that time, he wanted to kick my arse. I remember telling one of my sponsors about this and how I thought I should make this amends. He told me I should write him a letter. I intuitively knew God wanted me to face the music here and make a direct amends and not shy away with a letter given the circumstances and timing. I decided to call him, as he lived across the country from me so a face to face visit would not work due to proximity and other considerations. This was not a call I wanted to make. I rehearsed my talking points. As I picked up the phone I could feel the anticipatory fear rise in my body, yet my conviction and willingness to square this account the best I could made it happen. The call started out stiff, awkward, yet steadfast. Surprisingly, he listened to the entire amends. He made a few comments during the conversation. At the end, he thanked me for the call. I hung up, and on that day I got rid of some heavy rocks I’d been carrying in my backpack, I was freer that day—and have been able so far, not to weigh myself down with the burden of acting the way I did that created the unfinished business that was mine to clean up. I find it important to clean up my side of the street on harms that I’ve caused others, even when (not in this case) the other person has harmed me.

If anyone is interested in the Morning Prayer & Guidance Prayer created from excerpts from pages 84-88 of the Big Book, send me a personal email.

Cheers & Blessing to All,

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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