Inspiration, intuitive thought for direction - Bruce (2023/9/28)  [Home]

私は、ブルース ヒックスです。






Translator : mk

Bruce Hicks, DOS = 12/29/1976, powerless over alcohol and most of life yet sober and made usefully whole by God and our AA way of life. The part of the program having to do with our conscious contact with God has always been the most mysterious and interesting aspect of recovery for me. Yet, just doing what I was led to do by working the steps and surrendering to God's will it seems to have happened quite naturally.

"In thinking about our day, we may face indecision. We may not be able to determine which course to take. Here we ask God for inspiration, an intuitive thought or decision."

As I remember, I was about 4 years sober when I was offered a job at a dollar-an-hour increase in pay. That was a pretty good incentive back then and if I had been drinking there would have been no doubt as to what I would have done. I wanted to take the job but had become accustomed to praying "God what should I do?" and tried to turn my attention to other things. As the next few days passed I got the increasing feeling that God wanted to develop my character by my doing the best job I could where I was at. That idea gave me peace and sounded a lot like something my sponsor might have said. So I went with that decision, thanking the company rep for the offer. A year later the same company made another offer and at that time I felt OK with accepting. Over the years there have been many occasions for indecision but I find that a willingness to accept an outcome not of my own demand and choice is helpful in "hearing" or "knowing" what to do.

Not long ago I shared with this group my experience with meeting AA member and acquaintance Vincent at his apartment complex. I walked into the middle of this huge complex not knowing where he lived just based on a hunch or feeling and as I stood there feeling stupid, Vince walked into the same clearing on his way to work. If I HAD gone to his apartment (had I known what it was) I would have missed him!

There are other times when I felt guided as to what to do. The first I may have mentioned before. At 77 I cannot keep track of what I have shared. Early in sobriety, I decided I needed to tell my father all the things he had done wrong in raising me - obviously, this was before I had done steps 4 and 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. So I began writing all this in a letter which I finally placed in the mailbox. The whole time I felt worse and worse as I proceeded. By the time I put the letter in the envelope and posted it the terrible feeling I had was almost palpable. As spiritually deaf as I was, I guess it took what it took to get my attention. I ran to the mailbox to retrieve the letter and in the ensuing peace, I felt that God said "Now write a letter telling him all the good things he did as a father" That took a longer time, not because of him but because it was such a new experience for me. He got that second letter and it meant a lot to him. He died not long after and I have been grateful every day since that God intervened as He did. It is frightening to think of all the miserable things that I might have done had I not found this way of life. I did plenty of damage as it was.

In 1985 my AA wife and I were always strapped for money so when I heard the characteristic sound of our car's universal joint going out I kept putting off the repair. I knew how to do it myself I just didn't want to buy the $20 part. I ignored the "still small voice" of God warning me - I have come to believe He warns me often if I pay attention - for a couple of weeks. The day came when I made a trip across Dallas, Texas to Duncanville traveling 75 MPH most of the way to make a sales call (one reason we were poor, I shouldn't have been in sales). I exited the freeway, slowed almost to a stop to turn and the front end of my driveshaft fell to the pavement stopping the car and causing a rut in the asphalt. At 75 MPH imagine the mess that the driveshaft could have made coming up through the car. Even so, the repair cost more than $300 so I learned a very important lesson that day. When God is warning me, leaning spiritually on me, even almost nagging me I should heed the warning. He spared my life that day but I ought never take His mercy for granted. That goes for sobriety as well.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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