Step 11 - Dorothy (2023/12/1)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ

みなさんとここでまた新たなミーティングに参加できて嬉しいです。今週のディスカッションをリードしてくれたPam に感謝します。そして、バースデーの皆さん、おめでとうございます、Happy AAnniversary !!! 願わくば、私たち全員ですね (^^

は伝統に厳格でした、神様ありがとう ... そこでの私の

それが言えたとしても … 私をAAにつなげた最終的なきっかけは、明白な伝統11違反でした。私は「Courage to Change」と題された本を手に取りました。これは、有名な人たちが執筆した回復のストーリーがまとめられたものです。彼らの名前を知っていたので、彼らの人生が良い方向に変わった様子に信頼を寄せました。当時は、それが真実でなければ出版されていないだろうと思い込んでいました。ハッ!私は無知でしたが … それでも私にAAにつながる勇気を与えてくれました。もし私が Grace Slick や Elmore Leonard がもはやソーバーでないことを知っていたら、それがAAの失敗だと非難したかもしれません ... でももし私がその本に感銘を受けていなかったら、AAのドアを開けたかどうかもわかりません ... すべては常に神の手に委ねられています ... 神の計画においてです。


※訳注:表題の Step 11 は、Traditon 11 の誤りと思われます。

Translator : yu

Hi ESH friends,

It's great to be here with you all at another meeting. Thanks, Pam for leading the discussion this week.. and Happy AAnniversary!!! Congrats to all who are celebrating sobriety (hopefully, that's all of us (^^

I've enjoyed reading others' contributions this week about anonymity.. at all levels. My first home group was a stickler for the Traditions, thank God.. and it was there that I adopted the position that my journey in sobriety stays silent, except when it seems a private word with someone might come about naturally.. depending on the situation. Personally, I'd rather that all in AA would respect all our Traditions, including #11... But it's one of those things I cannot change. I can simply take care of my side of the street.

Now, having said that... the final nudge that got me into the rooms was a result of a blatant break of the 11th Tradition. I picked up a book, entitled "Courage to Change" which is a compilation of recovery stories written by well-known people. Because I recognized their names I trusted their accounts of how their lives got turned around into a better direction. At that time, I assumed it couldn't have been published if it weren't true. Ha! I was naive, yes... But it really did give me the courage to enter the rooms. I can't say whether or not if I'd learned that, say Grace Slick or Elmore Leonard was no longer sober if I would have blamed AA for that failure... I also don't know if/when I might have opened the doors if I hadn't been inspired by the book... It's all always been in God's hands.. in His time.

Take good care, my friends!
peace & love from lovely, cooler South Florida..

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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