Re: ESH Topic Week of October 13 - Tony (2024/10/14)  [Home]
Re: 10月13日の週のトピック









Translator : yu

Greetings All

Thanks Craig for your topic this week.

I'm Tony an Alcoholic in Johannesburg, grateful to be with you again this week. I've been lurking for a few weeks, and it's time for me to emerge from hibernation, now that spring has arrived.

In referencing the origins of the Fellowship, and AA's adoption of the simplicity of the Oxford Group's principles, it seems the 'God of my understanding' is tailor-made for my recovery. As a child I was schooled through Sunday attendance at our village church, and had some knowledge of someone's God. It took AA to give that God an identity I was comfortable with.

I liked Bill W's description, in his Big Book story as the Spirit of the Universe'. With the development and growth of an opening mind, I have got closer to the God of my understanding. I understand the Lords Prayer' to be Christian, and the Oxford Group literature tells me that 'we can all be witnesses for Christ - and that's not for me. When the Lord's Prayer' is used at meetings, I mute myself and say my own prayer at the close of online meetings.

My wife has a relationship with the God of her understanding, and we're fine with that. As William Shakespeare said - 'a Rose by any other name would smell just as sweet' In South Africa we open and close our meetings with the Serenity Prayer, and sing 'Amazing Grace' at the closing of our Rally's and Conventions.

Thanks for being here for me again this week, reminding me that Practice makes Progress.

Tony in South Africa

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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