ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
Translator : kj
Happy Independence Day, ESH friends... Thanks, dear Louise and Happy AAnniversary to all celebrants. That would probably be ALL of us, right? Sobriety each and every day is something to be grateful for.
Step 11... I used to say it's my favorite Step.. but truthfully, without Step 1 I wouldn't have arrived at 11. In any case, I have a great sponsor. When we worked up to 11 she offered different types of meditations to explore and we talked about prayer a lot. Right from the get-go I wanted desperately to work this program honestly and thoroughly so I set out to explore how I might grow closer to this mysterious higher power. Eventually I had the somewhat strange thought that I might even attend a Catholic Mass for the first time in probably 20 years. I'd been raised in that faith.. even going to Catholic school for 8 years. But at that time, religion was just another subject at school... it wasn't actively reinforced or even discussed at home. I guess I kinda knew there was a Creator.. but didn't think He would be personally involved in my day to day life. Boy, was I wrong.
At that first Mass I could have sworn the priest was in recovery. His sermon echoed what I was hearing and learning in AA! I was drawn to return.. again and again. Over the years my curiosity led me to really learn what the faith actually was about. I found a great, personal relationship with God, Who really is involved in my day to day life.
It's a long story... and i've found many AA folks aren't all that interested in it... so I'll leave it here. It's been a beautiful, wild ride... and I'm extremely grateful to have found my spiritual path along this journey. It's made all the difference in my life.
peace & love,