Re: 9/10/2023 weekly meeting - Debbie (2023/9/12)  [Home]
Re: 9月10日、今週のミーティング


に委ね、そして信じることができたでしょうか?以前のような不安はなくなり、恐れで麻痺することはなくなりました。人や場所、物事にたいして否定的な反応をすることもなくなりました。なぜかというと、ほとんど部分がそうだからです(笑) 私は自分の意思や信念、見解に同意しない人に対する寛容さを学んだでしょうか?これらは私が霊的な成長を遂げたかどうかを確認するためのいくつかの物差しなのです。

Translator : mo

Thanks Bruce for getting us started

I have worked hard to grow spiritually in this program. I have used the acronym thing to measure my progress. So during the day have I been thoughtful, honest? Has it been intelligent what i've said or done And upmost as my interaction or have my interactions been kind. Have I been able to turn my fears over to my higher power and trust in that higher power? I no longer have anxiety like I used to I am not paralyzed by fear. I no longer react to people places and things in a negative way. Why the most Have I learned tolerance of others that don't agree with my agenda or beliefs or views? These are some of my measuring sticks that I use to see if I have made spiritual progress.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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