Handling Incoming Fire - Dominic (2023/4/22)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ


ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ


ドミニク、立ち直ったアルコホーリクです。今週はこのテーマについて、たくさんの素晴らしいシェアがありましたね!私も、批判には2種類あると考えています。 1)建設的な批判。これは良い助言のようなもので、自分をより良くするために受け入れ、変化を起こす価値があります。 2)破壊的な批判。これは単なる攻撃です。前者は人を成長させ、後者は人を傷つける―まるで敵意のこもった砲火のようなものです。私はステップ10・11の棚卸しを継続的に実践しているおかげで、批判を受けたときに、それがどちらの種類なのかを見極める力がついてきました。その批判に対して、自分に謝罪が必要なのか、あるいは貴重な助言として「ありがとう」と言うべきなのか。あるいは、面の皮を厚くして受け流すのが賢明なのか、それとも立ち上がって対処する必要があるのかを判断できるようになりました。後者の場合、時には愛を持って相手に厳しい真実を伝えなければならないこともあります。その人が今まで聞いたことがない、あるいは聞きたくないような事実を、攻撃の背後にあるものとして伝える必要があるかもしれません。時には、恨みの棚卸しをすることもあります。私は「他人が自分をどう思うかは自分には関係のないこと」と実践していますが、他人の歪んだ考えや不安、あるいは彼ら自身の問題を、私の領域に押し付けてくる場合は別です。




Sober Date 2001年4月2日

Translator : yu

Good Evening ESH!

Dominic recovered alcoholic. Thanks Jack for Chairing this week and for your anecdotes of wisdom over the years and for this week’s topic. Congratulations to Kitza this week on celebrating 41 years of sobriety! Also, congratulations anyone else celebrating a sobriety milestone this week!

Welcome to anyone new to ESH!

Topic: "how do you handle criticism?"

Dominic, recovered alcoholic. Plenty of good shares this week on this topic! I too find there are 2 types of criticism, 1) constructive, which is like good counsel, worth taking note of in order to make changes that make me better. And, destructive criticism, which is about attack. The first type builds up, the second type tears down, it is incoming fire. I’m thankful that have a consistent practice of doing step 10/11 inventories, as this has better equipped me to discern when I am being criticized, whether I owe an amends, or a thank you for the input relating to the first type of criticism. Or whether to use my thickened skin to either let it pass by without much attention, or whether it is necessary to stand up and deal with the critic which may mean confronting them with love by telling them a hard truth about something they either have never heard and/or don’t want to hear regarding their attack in the second type of criticism. Sometimes, I will need to do a resentment inventory. I do practice what others think of me is none of my business, yet this doesn’t apply when others are pushing their dysfunction, insecurity, or whatever that belongs to them onto my side of the street.

I learn much more from constructive criticism than I do from falling short or from accolades and victories coming my way. Even though I prefer the latter to the former. Of course, the prerequisite of discerning and acting accordingly is based upon having sufficient deposits in my spiritual bank account at any given time as Dave W. shared about being spiritually fit. Without that, all bets are off that I would be able to sustain any pause, self-control, or discernment that is accurate and good in God’s eyes.

Just ignoring all attacks perpetuates more attacks in my view and experience. For me, this strategy has worked because attacks often come from people who are hurting as in hurt people hurt people, or people that generally speaking, don’t own things on their side of the street and project it onto others. Either way, I need to make adjustments in how I deal with them, along this line sometimes confronting them with what is true might be a case where no-one is telling them what is true, and just appeasing them or ignoring their attacks licenses this behavior. Hurt people that hurt people, is indeed all about them, not about me, yet the highest love and service I can offer them is to confront their pain or hurt or behavior; just like how I finally confronted my alcoholism and assist others in confronting theirs. It just may plant a seed.

Dominic D.


This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

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