Topic August 18 - Pam (2024/8/24)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ




Translator : yu

Good afternoon. Pam, a grateful alcoholic. Congratulations sobriety celebrants and welcome newcomers to ESH and/or AA. Debbie , thank you for leading our meeting and providing the topic along with your share…handling stressful situations. My first reaction to reading the topic was…I attempt to avoid stressful situations. For the most part through lack of planning enough time, or forgetting to bring the right tools, or failing to meet my own expectations, I create my own stress The consequences for omission can have varied results and that in itself is stressful. Depending on the severity of the result, I use the phrase “this too shall pass” or “this won’t last.” And so many “things” are beyond my control. So often we alcoholics forget we’re human with all its taggings. Faith, trust in my ever present HP all come into play for a favorable outcome. For example…this summer a bird flew down the chimney into the wood stove. This had happened previously, so we’d devised a system. Our remedy to free the bird: close curtains to shut off light, close all doors into adjoining rooms, and then open the slider leading to outdoor. We then opened the stove lid, bird flew out, lightly bumped around a few times until it found the opening, and then flew to freedom. Thank you, Debbie, for the opportunity to share. Stay well everyone. Peace…

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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