Asking for Help - Jeff (2024/8/31)  [Home]




に申し込んだのは、他に何をすればいいのか分からなかったからです。何年もの間、命が少しずつ漏れ出しているような状態でした。仕事を探すことにも、彼女を作ることにも、何か他のことにもまったく興味や情熱がなく、ただ安物の赤ワインを大きなグラスに注ぎ、山積みの灰皿と共にくだらない昼間のテレビを見ているだけの日々でした。私の人生には色がなく、ただの灰色の陰影しかありませんでした。酒が問題かどうか確信はありませんでしたが、もうそれ以外に思い当たることがなかったのです。何かを --- 何でも試さなければいけないと思いました。

AAで私は、自分が「恩恵」を受け取ったことを学びました ―― それは、私が何もしていないのに与えられた無償の贈り物です。執着を取り除くことで、神は私が自分では決してできないことをしてくれました。どうやら、セラピストのもとへ行き、治療

30年前の私に必要だったのは助けであり、今でもそれが必要です。ミーティングに参加するたび、ステップに取り組むたび、他のアルコホーリクスとつながるたびに、私は助けを求めています。ソーバーを続けたいなら、初めの1週間に提案された行動 ――ミーティング、ステップ、


Translator : yu

Hi Everyone, Jeff, alcoholic

Three days before I walked into my first AA meeting I was getting ready for bed when I realized I hadn’t thought about a drink the whole day. I found this strange because I was unemployed and had been getting drunk twice a day for the past eight months. I had been drinking for the better part of thirty years, yet the thought of a drink seemed to be the furthest thing from my mind. What had happened?

Earlier that day I spent my last $3700 on my Visa card to enroll in a treatment program recommended by a therapist. But the program wasn’t to begin for two days. No one suggested that I quit right away, but I was one day sober as I laid my head down on the pillow and turned out the lights. It was April 29, 1994. I know today the obsession had been removed.

I enrolled in the treatment program because I didn’t know what else to do. Life had been leaking out of me for many years. I had no interest or enthusiasm in looking for a job , having a girlfriend or anything else besides watching lame daytime television with a big tumbler of cheap red wine and my overflowing ashtray. There was no technicolor in my life, only shades of gray. I wasn’t really sure alcohol was the problem, but I was out of ideas. I had to try something -- anything.

In AA I learned I received grace -- a free gift I did nothing to earn. In removing the obsession, God did for me what I could never hope to do for myself. Apparently, without knowing it at the time, I asked God for help when I went to the therapist and enrolled in the treatment program.

Help is what I needed thirty years ago and is what I need today. I ask for help every time I show up at a meeting, work a step or connect with another alcoholic. If I want to stay sober I must continue to ask for help by continuously taking the actions that were suggested in my first week: meetings, steps, service.

Have a great sober week.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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