ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
このミーティングに来られて感謝しています ... そしてチャック、今週のトピックとグループの
私は最近、自分の家庭の問題に直面しました。夫と私は家族の結婚式(夫側の家族)のためにフロリダ州からニュージャージー州へドライブしていました。ドライブの数時間後、義理の兄から電話があり、妹が倒れて病院に向かっていると言われました。彼女はずっと、とても具合が悪そうで、私にはそれがよくない事だとわかりました。我々は結婚式のために、娘とその家族全員の服を運ぶところでした ... それで手短に言うと ... 私はレンタカーを借りてノースカロライナにいる娘のところへ行き、パーティーの服を届けないといけないので、夫は引き続きニュージャージーへ向かいました。
とても精神的に疲れる3日間でしたが、彼女は退院できるまでに回復したようでした。彼女はまだ回復したとは言えませんが ... 私はシラフで彼女のそばにいられることに感謝でいっぱいです。その場所にいられて、必要に応じて私を利用していただけることは、私にとっての贈り物であり、おそらく他の人にとっても贈り物なのです。
今日一日、何が起こるかわかりません ... そして、私たちがどんな状況にも立ち向かい、冷静に、そして多少なりとも正気を保って歩むことができるなんて、誰が想像できたでしょう。
正直なところ、旅から戻って夫と再会した後、私はちょっと冷静さを失い、夫に暴言を吐いてしまいました - 私の経験を理解してくれないことに対して(でもどうやって理解できたというのでしょう?) ... しかし、最終的にお口にチャックをして ... 祈りと瞑想によって、私は自分の誤った苛立ちと非現実的な期待に気づくことができました。とにかく、私はまだまだそれを処理している最中ですが、今のところ、道路の自分の側はきれいに片付来ました。今のところはね。
Translator : yu
Hi ESH friends,
Thanks for being here.. and thanks to you, Chuck for serving the group with this week's topic. I hope you got to your destination safely and I'm grateful for the example of picking up tools, no matter what's going on.
I've recently had my own family challenges. My husband and I were driving to NJ (from FL) for a family wedding (his side of the family) and a couple hours into the drive I got a phone call from my brother in law saying my sister had fallen and she was on her way to the hospital. She's been in very poor health and I could tell it didn't sound great. We were transporting our daughter & her whole family's clothes for the wedding.. so long story short... I rented a car and drove to her in NC while my husband continued to NJ, lest the party clothes didn't arrive (:
It was a very emotionally draining 3 days but she seemed to improve to the point of being discharged. She is not out of the woods yet.. but I was filled with gratitude to just be there for her, sober. To be present and available as needed is a gift for me.. and maybe for others.
Some of the things that helped me through was.. first and foremost, connecting with God in deep conversations. Some AA friends were aware of what was transpiring and they contacted me with love, support and prayers. My work on the 12 Step Committee of Online Intergroup is a constant source of connection with the fellowship. Even just reading the messages from people asking for help .. and reading the replies from the other Steppers was a Godsend and occasionally I was able to send some message to the callers myself.
We just never know what we'll have before us in a day... and who could've thought we would be able to rise to whatever occasion and walk through soberly - and somewhat sanely.
I will admit that after I left and again met up with my husband on his return trip, I did kind of melt down and lashed out at him - for not understanding what my experience was (how could he?)... but by eventually restraining my tongue.. some prayer and meditation I was able to see my misplaced frustration and unrealistic expectations. Anyway - I'm still processing some of it but I've cleaned up my side of the street.. for now, anyway.
Thanks for being here, as always!
peace & love,