ESH-share on topic - Louise (2023/8/22)  [Home]


・デートは 1972/6/30 です。

は、精神的、肉体的、霊的の3つの要素から成る病気です。私にはいつか、どうにかして酒をコントロールできるようになるという強迫観念はありません。... 精神的な部分には気を配っています ... アルコールを体内に入れないので、渇望という現象が引き起こされることはありません。残るは3つ目の、霊的な部分についてです。

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
をすることで、それが相手の手助けをするだけではなく、いかに自分自身の助けになるかがわかりました。私は彼らの1ページ、1歩先を行かなければならなかったのです (^^) 最近では、ある信頼のおける
で新しい "ネタ" を見つけることに喜びを感じて来たし、インスピレーションを与えてくれる本がいつも私のところに届けられるのです。小説の中にも、私を感動させ、刺激を与えてくれるこんな言葉を見つけることができます:「心の中のものごとに終わりはない。」(それは場所であったり、人であったり、使命であったりすると、作者は続けています)。私の心の中に心の故郷(テキサス)、何人かの特別な人々、そして使命(AA)があることに感謝をしています。


Translator : yu

Thank you, Pam, for chairing this week.

My name is Louise, recovered alcoholic, and my sobriety date is June 30, 1972

As Bill mentions in that letter, there is no final Step. It took me 10 years of sobriety to finally accept this truth.It was about then that I started calling myself "a recovered alcoholic". Our text the Big Book, tells me that I have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. My alcoholism is a three-fold disease, mental, physical, and spiritual. I do not obsess that somehow, someday I will be able to control my drinking...that takes care of the mental part...since I do not put any alcohol in my body, the phenomenon of craving is not provoked. That leaves me with the third fold which is the spiritual one.

Not always am I in perfectly fit spiritual condition. Yet, in all the years of being a member of Alcoholics Anonymous, never have I failed to ask God to keep me sober, sane, safe, and strong in spirit and to thank Him for doing so. As I was married to a sober alcoholic for 30+ years, it was easy to follow the direction of "talking to another alcoholic every day". I have attended meetings (in the first few years, almost every day), then at least 2 a week, and now 1 F2F and for 35 years I have rarely failed to share in this ESH meeting. Sponsoring many alcoholics showed me that not only it might help them but how much it helped me. I had to stay one page and one step ahead of them (^^ These days, a faithful sponsee and I sponsor each other. Always have I delighted in finding new "stuff" in our Big Book and I seem to always have one more inspirational book coming my way. Even in fiction I can find words that move me and inspire me, such as these few lines: "There is no end of things in the heart". (the author goes on to say that this can be a place, or a person, or a mission). I am grateful to have in my heart a place (Texas), a few very special persons, and a mission (Alcoholics Anonymous).

Peace, love, and gratitude from Texas!

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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