Were entirely ready to have defects removed - Mark (2024/6/25)  [Home]





私が最初にAAに来たとき、神については問題はありませんでした ... しかし、話を短くすると、私は再び飲み始め、二十年もの間、お酒を飲まないという願いを失ってしまいました。仲間たちが予測していたような恐ろしいことがすぐに起こったわけではありませんが、最終的には管理不能となって、無力さを否定できなくなり、私はAAに戻ってくることができました。

しかし、2回目にAAに来たときは、AAがどれほど宗教団体のように見えるかについてもっと気にするようになりました。ほとんどのステップには神が言及されており、いくつかは神を男性として定義しています。「GOD」を「Group of Drunks(酔っぱらいの集団)」と定義するのはある程度うまくいきましたし、「Good Orderly Direction(良き秩序ある方向)」や「Great OutDoors(素晴らしいアウトドア)」も同様でした。



を見つける必要があると認識することです。そして、まずはそれを認識し、それを作り出した自分の(自己中心的な)役割を特定することで、壊れた部分を片付ける必要があります。その後、成長して責任を取ることが必要です。そして… 新しい自由と新しい幸福に目覚めることが可能になるのです。



私にとって人生の最大の喜びのひとつは、AAに参加してくる仲間たちが、そう、お酒を飲む必要が無いというその啓示を得ることです… 今日はもちろんのこと、おそらく(今日一日だけ)これからもう二度と必要ないかもしれません。



Translator : yu


I’m Mark and I’m alcoholic. Mighty glad not to have to drink today.

My home group is an international zoom group with people from around the world and a steady stream of newcomers. It had old time religious “this is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice” folks and dedicated atheists who have multiple decades of solid sobriety and lots of people in between.

Tonight we had a reading from the AA pamphlet on God, which reminded us that AA is not a religious organization, the only requirement for membership is a desire to no drink, and it also includes a segment from a letter from Bill W written in the 1960s talking about how we always should be inclusive, not exclusive. AA exists first and foremost to help the alcoholic who still suffers, and as we all know from our own experience or that of others, the God concept can be a hard one for many folks.

In my first round in AA, I had no problem with God… but— long story shorter, I picked up a drink and then lost the desire not to drink for twenty years. Not all the horrible things people had predicted would happen to me came to pass right away, but eventually the unmanageability and powerlessness were impossible to deny, and I was able to return.

But the second time around, I was more concerned about how much AA can come across like a religious group— most of the steps mention God and several define God as a male. Defining GOD as “group of drunks” sort of worked, Good Orderly Direction…even Great OutDoors.

The God Word pamphlet includes this line: “What we all have in common is that the program helps us find an inner strength that we were previously unaware of— where we differ is how we identify the source.”

How does this relate to the 6th step— being entirely ready to have God remove our defects of character? …. And then in the next step humbly asking Him to remove them? It almost sounds like magic.

For me, the steps are all about first sobering up— recognizing how alcohol was a power greater than me and I need to find a different, higher power, then I need to clean up the wreckage, first by identifying it and my (selfish) role in creating it, then I need to grow up, take responsibility, and then… waking up to a new freedom, a new happiness is possible.

Being entirely ready to have my foibles and flaws removed and even humbling asking them away doesn’t magically make it happen, at least it hasn’t for me.

But the key for me has been finding an inner strength that I previously wasn’t aware of that gives me some degree of acceptance, courage and wisdom to better practice our code of love and tolerance of others. Accepting my flaws, having the courage to change them, and having the inner strength and wisdom to know that some flaws are also assets, helps this alcoholic better handle things that used to baffle me… namely life.

One of the greatest joys in life to me is seeing people coming into AA and having that, yes, revelation that they don’t have to drink ….today or perhaps (a day at a time) ever again.

I know I’m not necessarily adhering to the AA party line here, but I appreciate the opportunity to share.

Marcigny, France

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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