Alligator mouth; Canary butt - George (2024/5/22)  [Home]



いつもそういうわけではありません。昨晩、私たちの町の防災サイレンが何度も鳴り響いて、迫り来る竜巻がこちらに向かっていることを知らせました。それは確かに、私が直面している変化でした。しかし、私たちの家は築119年なので、これまでに一度や二度は竜巻に巻き込まれたに違いありません。それでもなお、堂々と立っています。だから私は、雨が天窓に打ちつけ、風がバンシー(妖精)のようにうなり、石のような雹(ひょう)が叩きつける中でも、ぐっすりと眠りにつきました。今朝目が覚めて、いつもの二言の祈り「Thank You - ありがとう」を捧げました。変化は起こり、ジョージ(私)は文句を言います。人生は素晴らしい。それが私には上手くいくやり方なのです。

Translator : yu

Hi, everyone. George, a drunk. Thank you, Lynn, for chairing.

Change? I'm the first one to piss and moan when first confronted with change. However, I have an alligator mouth with a canary butt: Not much backing there but I'm still barking as if I'm the big dog in the neighborhood.

It's not always like that. Last night our town's air raid siren went off, time and again, announcing an impending tornado, heading our way. That, certainly, was change confronting me. However, our home is 119 years old, and must've been involved in a tornado, or two, in its lifetime. It yet proudly stands. Thus, while rain pounded against the skylights and wind howled like a banshee, accompanied by pounding rock-like hail, I fell soundly asleep. I awoke this morning and said my usual two-word prayer, Thank you. Change happens. George groans. Life is good. And that's the way it works for me.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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