"The Family Afterward" - Dominic (2024/3/15)  [Home]








と結婚の質が保たれています。人として、夫婦関係について最も大切なことを学びました。通りの自分の側に何があるのかを知り、そのことに責任をもつこと。一貫性をもつこと。そして、通りの自分の側にないものについては、責任をもたないこと。その代わり、それらについては、通りの反対側の、あるべきところに、きちんと戻してあげます。"しっかり、こういうことをして、「本当の」オープンなコミュニケーションの雰囲気をつくり出すためには、次のことが必要でした。私が口調や過剰反応や大声を使わず、妻が何でも話せる環境をつくること。"私は、このことに関して完璧ではありません。私には、イタリア人の熱い気質があるのです。でも、私は真剣に取り組んできました。そして、神の助けのおかげで、すばらしく、うまくいったのです!妻も私も、相手の考えを推測したり、思わせぶりな態度をすることは、ありません。真の議論あるいはブレーネ ブラウン女史が言う「ランブル ディスカッション」では、簡単に、動揺・意見の相違・憤りの根本原因を突き止めることができます。早い段階で、私たちは、2つの価値約束合意を確立しました。1)たとえ、一方が興奮したり、傷ついたりしても、わざと、もう一方が他方を興奮させたり、傷つけたりすることはない、通りの自分の側に何があるのかを知り、そのことに責任をもつこと。一貫性をもつこと。理解していますし、相手を信頼しています。2)神への信仰という共通の価値観のもと、お互いの愛と敬意が最高の共通の価値であるので、どちらも、一方に対して、また、お互いに対して、軽蔑的な発言をしないことに同意します。妻と私の間に、見せかけがなければ、人生で遭遇する問題のすべてを乗り越えて、結婚生活はうまくいきます。献身・真正直なコミュニケーション・親密さは、その後、2人の結婚生活と家族全員で、大いに役立つものでした。

ドミニク D


Translator : mk

Good Evening ESH:

Thanks, Ted, for chairing this week, and for your honesty on this week’s topic. Congratulations to anyone celebrating a sobriety milestone this week! Welcome to anyone new to ESH!

Topic: Experience, strength, and hope related to "The Family Afterward."

Dominic recovered alcoholic. Having participated in two marriages, one as a drunkard and one sober, I was selfish, self-centered, and ill equipped to effectively navigate my first marriage of 17 years. My ex-wife developed a mental illness in her 20s, that combined with my alcoholism became a toxic brew for us to overcome many issues that came our way. When I got sober, the family afterward was about how I raised and developed a healthy relationship with my 2 sons and to develop healthy boundaries, kindness, and patience with my ex-wife. Oddly, during my early sobriety which included an attempt at reconciliation, my ex’s drinking took off to problematic proportions. I had a lot of guilt for what my role was in the destruction of the marriage, so in the beginning I took responsibility and took it on the chops everything my ex blamed on me for her troubles. In that time, I didn’t even know about setting healthy boundaries and not allowing others to push their stuff on to my side of the street. I took this bait many times: her bad decisions were my fault, her losing custody of the children due to not taking her meds was my fault, and on and on and on. My original sponsor was a great help during this time, giving me the direction to be keep conversations with my ex short, talking only about the matters at hand, not allowing conversations to delve into the past, or how she felt about me, and to be kind, and patient (very hard at first), and to end the call. This was the beginning of my setting healthy boundaries. Over many years, she eventually came to me for counsel, and we became friends again. In God’s world anything is possible; my ex-wife today is best friends with my current wife.

By the time I met my second wife (my last first date) I was 15 years sober and had 2 prior serious relationships. I’d learned primarily from sponsoring many men and making many sober friends whose spouses of AAers--although happy their spouse doesn’t drink anymore--don’t support the AAer’s sobriety all that much by rarely (if ever) attending an open meeting or seeing their spouse take a chip and continuing to drink themselves. To be fair, I also know AAers where their spouses do support their sobriety by attending Al Anon, open meetings, etc. However, if the spouse is a normie, I’ve seen more of the former than the latter.

Because of these experiences and the foundation in 12-step recovery I built by the time I met my current wife, I wasn’t looking nor expecting much support regarding my sobriety activities, even though she has never had one drop of alcohol. Yet, Patty from the start was interested in all my recovery meetings. She began attending open meetings with me; we pray together each day; she’s worked the steps and has worked with women as a spiritual advisor. We share a 10th step inventory together every Sunday: the good, the great, the bad, and the ugly! I’ve gone back to school now and have life transformation coaching certifications and Board certification for Marriage, Family, and Individual counselling.

In my view, “The Family Afterward”--like the rest of the Big Book-- contains much wisdom regarding marriage. One of my favorite passages is at the beginning of the chapter. “All members of the family should meet on the common ground of tolerance, understanding, and love. This involves a process of deflation. The alcoholic, his or her spouse, the children, the in-laws, each is likely to have fixed ideas about the family’s attitude himself or herself. Each is interested in having his or her wishes respected. We find that the more one member of the family demands that the others concede to him or her, the more resentful they become. This makes for discord and unhappiness.”

Over the years I’ve learned that my relationship with God and my sobriety come first. For without these priorities, it is unlikely I would have the quality of sobriety and marriage I have today. As a man, the most important things I learned about my marital relationship is to know and take responsibility for what is on my side of the street, to be consistent, and to not take responsibility for things that are not on my side of the street, but instead gracefully move them back to where they belong on the other side of the street. To be effective at this and to create an atmosphere for “real” open communications, I had to make sure I created an environment where my wife feels safe to tell me anything

background of having a hot Italian temper. Yet, I’ve worked hard at this and the results with God’s help are amazing! My wife and I have no pretense or guessing what the other is thinking. Our real or “rumble discussions” as Brene Brown calls them, facilitate our getting down to the root cause of an agitation, disagreement, or resentment. Early on, we established 2 value commitment agreements: 1) We know and agree that even when one of gets agitated or even hurt, we understand and trust that the other person would never intentionally do something to agitate or harm the other; 2) We agree that neither one of us should ever speak derogatory about the other to others, nor to each other, since mutual love and respect are our highest shared value under our shared value of faith in God. Without pretense between my wife and me it is easy to flourish in our marriage, rising above all the other challenges life throws at us. Commitment, rigorously honest communication, and intimacy have served our marriage and the entire blended family afterward extremely well!

Dominic D.


This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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