Re: ESH Meeting Topic for the week beginning December 23, 2023 - Ellen (2023/12/30)  [Home]
Re: 12月23日のミーティングの始まりと、今週のトピック





としました。ミーティングで、何度も何度も何度も、聴いていました。たくさんの質問をしました。仲間たちは、横目でじろっと見るか、目をまん丸にしていたでしょう。はは。とにかく、みんなに愛されていました。ああ私は、秩序ある方向に存在する宇宙の万物に、話しかけ(または、叫んだり、わめいたり、泣いたり)したものでした。天使・火星人・緑の小人・アルミ帽の誰でも何でも。私は、平安の祈りの冒頭から、「神」という言葉を省きました。でも、その祈りを習得すると心に決めました。それは、今でもそらんじられて、使っている唯一のお祈りになっています。私たちの創造主・大いなる霊・大いなる神秘について、聴いたことがあります。ビル・ウィルソンの物語の中で、エビー・サッチャーと一緒にキッチンのテーブルに座って、「自分で理解できる神の概念を選べばいいんだ」と言われたという部分を、私がついに「聞いた」とき…ステップ 2 と 3 を実行する準備ができているとはほとんど知りませんでした。その後の残りのステップは、連続しています。アルコホーリクス・アノニマスの部屋で出会い、理解するようになった神と、私が手を携えた

言うまでもなく、最初の1年半は霧の中にありました。でも、仲間が私に言ったくれたことを聴けないというほどではありませんでした。「何があっても、最初の一杯に手を出すな。」「戻ってきなさい。」 後は、ご存知の通りです。



では、また。エレン A  レイクサイド、アリゾナ州 DOS 1-21-03

Translator : mk

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober and alive, today.

"""Please share about what was going on with you the first time you realized that HP was working in your life."""

I wouldn't realize that a Higher Power was working in my life for quite some time after I got sober. It is only in retrospect that I saw how God had been and was working in my life, all along.

The morning I woke up not wanting to drink was in the middle of caring for my mother and my brother as they both battled cancer at the same time. Because I had gotten to the point of not wanting to live and drank myself to sleep every night, hoping that I wouldn't wake up the next morning... I remember chastising myself for being so ungrateful for my life, pissing it away by drinking like I was, while they were fighting for their very life. How was I going to stop drinking if I didn't reconcile to God? But... how was I going to reconcile to God if I didn't stop drinking? Three years prior, I had stepped through the doors of AA knowing the only thing about AA was that this is where someone went if they had a problem with alcohol. If I wanted to stop drinking, I needed to go back to AA because they would show me how to stay stopped. But... how was I going to live the rest of my life without alcohol? I only needed to not drink one day at a time. But... they did the God-thing. Well... AA was also going to show me how to do the God-thing because that is how they stay stopped. I stepped off that 'jumping-off place' in faith - a faith that I didn't know I had and that I would come to know later as a gift from that God who had always been there.

For a year and a half, I used the AA fellowship and the structure of meetings as my higher power. I listened and listened and listened in those meetings. I asked so many questions, I am sure I either made people's eyes cross or at least figuratively do the eye-roll. Haha. They loved me anyways. I remember talking (or yelling/screaming/crying) to whatever was out there in the good orderly direction of the universe... angels, martians, little green men, tinfoil hat wearing whoever/whatever. I left the word God off the beginning of the serenity prayer, but I was determined to learn that prayer... and, it is the only one I have memorized and continue to use, today. I heard about our Creator, the Great Spirit, the Great Mystery. When I finally 'heard' the part in Bill Wilson's story about sitting at his kitchen table with Ebby Thacher and being told, ""Why don't you choose your own conception of God?"... little did I know that I was about ready to take Steps Two and Three, with the rest of the steps following in close succession. The world of sobriety, hand in hand with a God that I had met and come to understand in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous, had opened up to the sunlight of the Spirit.

Needless to say, I was in a fog for that first year and a half. But, not so much that I couldn't hear what the fellowship was telling me... 'don't pick up a drink no matter what' and 'keep coming back'. The rest is history.

Don't leave five minutes before the miracle.

Thank you for letting me share.

Hugs, Ellen A Lakeside, Arizona DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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