ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
のミーティングの司会をしています。現在、「第7章 仲間と共に」を読んでいます。この章に出てくる状況のいくつかは、デトックスセンター(回復施設)の登場などによって少し時代遅れに感じる部分もありますが、この章のメッセージ自体は時代を超えたものだと思います。
神が私を、心から飲酒をやめるための提案に従う意思のある仲間たちと共に働く立場に置いてくださったとき、私にとって最も重要な伝えるべき言葉は、この章の93ページ(日本語版 134 ページ)にあります。「霊的な部分のいろいろなことをはばかることなく強調する。もし彼が不可知論者や無神論者なら、
Sober Date 1990年9月1日
Translator : yu
Dear ESH'ers: Thanks to my long time friend, Dave, for leading us this week. Welcome to the new person that joined us within the last couple of weeks. Congratulations to anyone celebrating a specific anniversary and to all not having a drink today.
I chair a zoom Big Book meeting on Tuesday mornings and we are reading through Working with Others. To me, some of the situations are dated with the arrival of detox centers, etc....but the message in this chapter is without time constraints.
Once God has placed me in a position to work with someone that is willing to follow the instructions in order to stop drinking for good and all, the most important statement for me to get across to them is in this chapter is on page 93...*"Stress the spiritual feature freely. If the man be agnostic or atheist, make it emphatic that he does not have to agree with our conception of God. He can choose any conception he likes, provided it makes sense to him. The main thing is that he be willing to believe in a Power greater than himself and that he live by spiritual principles."*
Those admonisions are still true for me today - The God of my understanding and living by spiritual principles allow me to be sober and help a fellow that wants help, one day at a time.
Susan M.