If nothing changes nothing changes - Mark (2024/5/24)  [Home]






易経(イ・チン) 易経(イ・チン)は、中国の古典文化である「易経」(易经)を表します。易経は、中国古代の哲学書であり、占いや予言に関する理論や考え方を示した書物です。易経は、周代の伝説的な賢人である伏羲や老子が執筆したとされており、古代中国の宗教的・哲学的思想の根本となる重要な文化遺産とされています。易経には、64の卦(八卦と六十四卦)とその解説が含まれており、これを用いて、現在の状況や未来の展望を占うことができます。易経は、中国文化だけでなく、東アジア全体に影響を与えた重要な書物であり、現代でもその教えが広く受け継がれています。





Translator : yu

Hi all:

It’s amazing how I hear new ideas about recovery. Like tonight I heard someone describe the first step as realizing we’re in a deep hole, the second step is looking up and seeing light and people at the top, and the third step is accepting the hand they extend to us.

The also said something in passing that caught my ear— “if nothing changes, nothing changes.” It sounds like another one of those ridiculously simple slogans that when I first came into AA sounded like things you might tell a child— “this, too, will pass” or “first things first.”

But it also is like the first step hole digging….my alcoholism/addiction was a proverbial vicious cycle of doing the same thing over and over and over again and somehow hoping for a different result…. Only one of the reasons I kept picking up the drink over and over again was that it was predictable: if I picked up that first drink I would get drunk.

Accepting things we cannot change is important but I’m not of the school that everything happens as part of a perfect plan that’s all worked out in advance. Sometimes I need to change things that are unacceptable. And that often takes courage and for sure it takes some wisdom or guidance or maybe just luck.

The Chinese have something called the I Ching, which is known as the “Book of Changes”. Their theory is that the only constant in the universe is change, and when we observe and understand change, we are better prepared to handle it, come what may.

Whether it’s drinking or any other issue that are a form of hole digging, the first thing I need to do is recognize I’m in a hole that I’ve dug for myself. Then I need to stop and look up. See the light, so to speak, and realize there’s help available. People who are extending their hand. And then I need to reach out and accept that help. And then the adventure becomes much more manageable, even fun at times.

And to help me stay out of the hole digging business, it’s important that if I see someone in a hole, I have a responsibility to reach out my hand and help them if I can.

Anyhow, great topic and thank you all for your helping hands.

Marcigny, France

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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