私はマーク、アルコホーリク(アルコール依存症)です。デビーさん、「約束」というトピックを出してくれてありがとう。そして40年という節目、本当におめでとうございます ――14,600日以上の24時間を積み重ねてきたのですね!愛する人が依存症と闘っているのを目の当たりにしているあなたや他の皆さんに、心からお見舞い申し上げます。
Translator : yu
I’m Mark and I’m an alcoholic.Thanks for the topic of the Promises, Debbie, and congrats on 40 years—over 14,600 24 hours! My heart goes out to you and everyone else seeing those we love wrestle with active addiction.
In my first round with AA, I don’t remember The Promises being such a big thing. None of the meetings I attended read them at the end of meetings like many of the ones do now. I must admit when I first realized how central they had become to the AA way I had mixed feelings, especially when they are listed as twelve promises and presented as guarantees. They all sound good in theory and I certainly experienced glimpses of them before I was half way through. There was a new freedom and happiness. I gradually became less self absorbed and more interested in others.
But my worry was they can also be a little bit of a set up for disappointment if, for example, fear of people and economic insecurity comes up again, or if situations sometimes still baffle me. I can feel like “I’m doing something wrong….I’m not doing X, Y or Z… that I lost my spiritual experience. I shouldn’t be feeling this way…” A sort of fall from Grace.
It occurred to me that they were written when there were only a few hundred alcoholics who only had at most a few years sobriety. Maybe they thought their new found freedom wouldn’t waver, that once they’d taken the steps they were done and dusted. All they had to do was carry the message to other suffering alcoholics…. only to discover how challenging recovery from self-centered fear can be.
I’ve wondered whether Bill W, after writing much of the Big Book, experienced any resurgent fear of economic insecurity when he and Lois were evicted from their apartment in Brooklyn and they had to move in with another alcoholic across the Hudson, who he later had a major fight and falling out with? Probably. And if AA was perfect as written in the Big Book, why were traditions needed, stressing principles before personalities, attraction rather than promotion?
My worry was that the promises can be taken as guarantees that life will be smooth sailing if we just take the suggested steps of recovery. But in my experience, well, as we recover, life happens and it’s sometimes really rough and rocky. Life can be messy, in and out of sobriety. The key, for me, is not drinking and relying on a power greater than my ego to help me through rough patches.
The only real guarantee I’ve found in AA is that if I don’t pick up the first drink, I won’t get drunk since I know from experience and listening to thousands of stories that it is that first drink that sets off the whole calamity of active alcoholism. It’s that first step— admitting my powerlessness over alcohol—that I need to practice to perfection. The rest, I do the best I can.
All of that said, I like the promises. They give a sense of hope and possibility to newcomers and remind us who have been around for a while of the basics: if I don’t pick up that drink, I can clean up the mess of the past and grow up to be less of the problem, more of the solution. Then I can be more comfortable in my own skin, practicing love and tolerance of others. One day at a time.
Corfu, Greece