ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
Lin Chamberlain
732 Pecore Street
Houston, TX 77009
PayPal での献金はこちら:
Phone 713-724-5337
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
シップ・リストキーパーのパム・S (pamelas8246@gmail.com) に連絡をしてください。彼女が喜んで、あなたのためのボランティアのリストを送ります。パムはまた、
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
> 私はプログラム12ステッププログラム、回復のため原理、AAの基本プログラム。
> 回復したかを正確に示すこと」と書かれています。「正確に」って? そして、正直に言えば、AAで
> 何かを徹底的にやり遂げたとは言えません。特にシラフになったばかりの頃は、他の仲間たちから
> 何度もあります。でも、自分なりに最善を尽くしてやっているのではないでしょうか? ステップは
> ただの提案なのでしょうか?
> 自分にとって、特定のステップが具体的にどのように適用されるのか見えているでしょうか?私は神との
> 関係を深めようとしました。それで、本当にそのことを深く掘り下げました。そして、今もなお続けて
> います。なぜなら、この探究の結果に心を惹かれているからです。この探究は私をどこに導いたので
> しょうか?世俗的なミーティング、道徳心理学、トマス・ペインの『理性の時代』、そしてハンク・Pや
> ジム・B (AA初期のメンバー) について読むことに導いてくれました。私の「神」は、AAの文献で
> ほのめかされるような神とはまったく違います ―― 私を愛し、世話をし、話しかけ、祈りに答えて
> くれる神でも、教会に住む神でもありません。もしかしたら、意志のカギを間違った方向に回してしまい、
> ドアをまた閉じてしまったのかもしれません。それなら別のドアを試してみるだけです。
> 私は「原子の神」「究極の知性」「酔っ払いの集団(Group of Drunks)」「偉大なる自然」「古き良き
> 自然神信仰(Good Ol' Deism)」のような、ハイヤーパワー(HP=ハイヤーパワー)神、または高次の力、自分を超えた大きな力。意志と生き方をゆだねる対象。
> しれません。でも、そういった主流とは違うのハイヤーパワー(HP=ハイヤーパワー)神、または高次の力、自分を超えた大きな力。意志と生き方をゆだねる対象。
> それを私の霊的成長と呼んでいます。私にスポンサーAAプログラムなどを指導してくれる先輩役のメンバー
> 私は決して優秀なスポンサーAAプログラムなどを指導してくれる先輩役のメンバー
ではありません。以前、GSR(General Service Representative)の補佐の役割を
> 1か月だけやりましたが、挫折しました。それは C-SPAN (ケーブルTV) を見ているような感じでした。
> そして時々、何年も前に埋め合わせのリストに載せなかった人が新たに思い浮かぶことがあります。
> 私は自分のホームグループAAの中で自分が所属し、活動の拠点となるグループ
> 私はそういったこと (初歩的なサ-ビス) が得意なようです。ある人にはそれが怠けているように見える
> かもしれませんが、私は今の自分にとても満足しています。私は日曜日のグループの会計を何年も担当して
> いますが、まだそれを間違えていません。それをやっているのは、誰も他にやりたがらないからです。
> 私はほとんどは落ち着いていますが、時々気になることもあります。でも、それを持ち直すための霊的道具は
> 持っています。私は自分ができることを、できる方法で、できる限りの人々にしているつもりです。そして、
> 私はそのすべてをシラフで過ごしており、飲みたいとは思っていません。私はまだ第四次元に飛ばされては
> いませんが、それでも何かがうまくいっているのです。それが私の進歩を測り、完璧さ(もしあるならば)を
> 評価する方法です。
Sober Date 1990年12月4日
Translator : yu
The structure of an ESH meeting is that the chairperson selects a topic for the week and anyone in the group has the option to share on that topic. In order to keep the postings to a minimum for the entire group, we suggest that personal messages be sent directly to that person and not via the Group.
Comments should be closely related to recovery from alcoholism. "The ESH meeting will begin no earlier than Sunday morning anytime after midnight EST and members are requested to post their shares no later than the following Saturday night at 11:59 PM EST."
All members are encouraged to share their A.A. anniversary on their annual sobriety date. Tell the group what your life was like before AA, what happened, and what it's like today.
Also, please remember the cyber basket. Here is where you can mail your 7thTradition Contributions:
Make all checks payable to:
Lin Chamberlain
732 Pecore Street
Houston, TX 77009
PayPal contributions may be made to:
Phone 713-724-5337
Please consider joining us at our monthly business meeting by signing up to join the Business List at http://mylist.net/listinfo/esh-business .
ESH is always open to new members. Please refer potential new people to our website at :http://mylist.net/listinfo/esh .
If you're looking for a sponsor/someone willing to get you started.. (temporary or otherwise) please contact our Sponsorship List Keeper, Pam S, (pamelas8246@gmail.com) and she will gladly send a list of willing volunteers to you. Pam can also provide you with the names of service sponsors. These individuals have made themselves available to anyone who has questions about anything regarding service work, whether they currently hold positions or merely want to learn more.
Hi ESH Group- I'm an alcoholic and I'm Chuck. Thanks Suanne for this opportunity to serve the group, and hats off to anyone passing a milestone in recovery this week. Except for me. I will simply and humbly express my gratitude to my fellow AAs and the AA Program for affording me a wonderful sober life of 34 years as of last Wednesday. OK, enuff sed.
My topic this week is on Progress, not Perfection.
Now and then I have been subtly nagged by the thought that I may not have
> been working the program hard enough or correctly enough. In the Foreword
> to the First Edition it states that the purpose of the Big Book is to show
> other alcoholics* precisely how we have recovered. *Precisely, huh? And I
> certainly can't say I thoroughly followed anything in AA. Many times,
> especially in early sobriety I have had guys tell me I should be doing more
> of this or less of that, or that I am skimping on steps. Am I not doing
> them to the best of my ability? And are the steps simply suggestions? Can I
> see how any given step applies to me specifically? I sought to develop my
> relationship with God. So I really delved into it. I am still doing it
> because the result of this investigation fascinates me. And where has this
> research led me? To secular meetings and moral psychology and Thomas
> Paines' The Age of Reason, reading about Hank P or Jim B. Mine is nothing
> at all like the god hinted at in the literature- not a loving God who takes
> care of me, talks to me or answers prayers, nor the kind that lives in a
> church. Maybe I turned that key of willingness the wrong way and let the
> door slam shut again. So I try another doors. I may be stuck on God of the
> Atom, Prime Intelligence, Group of Drunks, Great Out Doors, Good Ol' Deism,
> but that sort of off-brand higher power makes much more sense to me and I
> call that my spiritual progress. I can count the number of times men have
> asked me to sponsor them on one hand. I am no superstar sponsor. I was
> assistant GSR for one month, then flunked out. It was like watching CSPAN.
> Every so often someone new comes to mind to who didn't make it to my amends
> list years ago. I make coffee at my home group. I seem to be good at that,
> To some that may seem like slacking, but I am quite happy where I am. I've
> been treasurer of my Sunday group for several years. I haven't messed that
> up yet, but I do it because no one else wants to. I am mostly serene,
> sometimes bothered, but I have tools to fix that. I do what I can for who I
> can help in any way I can. And I am sober through it all not even thinking
> if a drink. I have yet to be rocketed into the fourth dimension, yet
> something is working That is how I measure my progress and gauge my
> perfection (if any)
I hope to learn from you guys what is a good measure of success in recovery? How do you measure your progress? Are you any closer to perfection? Is there even a need to measure it?
WHEW! This lead has been quite a piece of work for me. Three days to come up with a decent topic and all evening and this morning to type it out. That's about as perfect as its gonna get. Better hit send before I'm tempted to scrap it. Thank you for being here for me,
Have a great sober week!
Chuck S
Sherwood WI
Dec 4 1990