ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
に初めて参加される仲間、ようこそ。今週の司会と、トピック「完成ではなく成長を」を挙げてくださったチャックさん、ありがとうございます。そしていくつか質問を投げかけてくださいましたね。最初の質問への答えとして…私は今日はアルコールを一口も飲みませんでした。私は人間が完成を達成することはできないと思いますが、それでも何らかの形で完璧さを目指そうとするものですよね。私は、メリー・ポピンズが自分を評した言葉「ほぼ完璧な存在」というのが大好きです。(^^ 私が初めてAAに来て、ついにお酒を飲むのをやめたとき、目に見える変化や進歩がありました。文字通り爆発してしまいそうな感覚が消えました。そして、AAの提案に従う意欲が生まれ、それを実行することで、人生が良い方向に展開し始めました。
Translator : yu
Hello. I’m Pam, a grateful alcoholic happy to be at our meeting. Congratulations sobriety celebrants and welcome newcomers to ESH. Thank you, Chuck for leading this week and listing the topic…progress, not perfection. And then you posed some questions. To answer the first question…I didn’t take a drink of alcohol today. I don’t believe humans can achieve perfection, yet we somehow in some way attempt to achieve it. I love to think of Mary Poppins appraisal of herself, “Nearly perfect in every way.” (^^ When I first came to AA and finally stopped drinking, there were noticeable changes/progress…stopped feeling like I was going to literally explode. Willingness to follow directions and doing so allowed life to favorably unfold. Listening to my sponsor and in particular women in the Myrtletowne Tuesday Night Womens meeting. The 12 steps have given me guideposts how to live…not perfectly…a mostly stress free life. Today I’m visiting my older daughter and family in Lebanon, Oregon. I stopped drinking when she was 8 and her younger sister 4. I was a terrible mother. Amends with them continues lifelong, and that falls into the progress realm. I cherish my relationship with both daughters…life blessing, one of many. Enjoy this holiday season…stay well. Peace…