Topic week of Nov 19 - Pam (2023/11/26)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ

とスーザン以外には、アルコホリックとあまり接触していません。娘たちは、生涯をかけての埋め合わせの機会を与えてくれます。2007年からジムと私は仲間を持ち続けています。毎年薪作り分け与え、旅行をし、お互いの仲間と楽しんでいます。私は、またとても幸運なことに、同じような人生観を分かち合える多くの良き仲間がいます…私たちは、ここにいてお互いに助け合い、たぶん何が起きたとしても、人生を生きていけるでしょう。私たちは、同じような価値観を分かち合います。昨日、仲間の女性の一人と一緒に歩きながら、私たちが成長する上で影響があった出来事について話していました。散歩を終えたとき、仲間は言いました。"テックスがあなたの命を救ったのです。” きっぱりと。私たちが、楽しんでいるすべての幸運の根底には、


Translator : kj

Good morning. I’m Pam, a grateful alcoholic. Congratulations sobriety celebrants and welcome newcomers to AA and ESH. Nancy, happy AA anniversary! So many days mount up and just like that…35 years! Thank you for leading us this week and giving us the topic…who helped initially and who presently. Back to the beginning… so often in shares I mention Tex, Patty Sue, who brought me to my first meeting, who laid it on the line…if you don’t stop drinking you’ll probably be dead in a year, who showed me how to create a worthwhile life without drinking, who often found humor even when I was at a crossroads, who didn’t give up on me. Gene Duffy for three weeks in Calistoga, California. Paul Cuneo and Iris Martin who became friends at Duffy’s. Myrtletowne Survivors became my home group after finding them in Eureka, about 7 miles south from my home. The Women’s Tuesday meeting women, Jaris, Marion, Ardene, Francis, Corrine, a Catholic nun all memorable. Thursday Beginners meeting men…Earl, Bill, Monk, Bob, Ralph. All of them with more sobriety than I, a beginner. When I first heard Francis say she’d been sober 13 years, I couldn’t understand how that was even possible. And my immediate and extended family…my parents who arranged with Tex my stay at rehab. Sometime after I’d been sober for quite awhile my mother said to me, “I knew there was something wrong because you quit laughing.”

Fast forward to today. If Tex were still alive, she would be my sponsor. I have always had a sponsor since from the get-go was told to have one. I met Cynthia at meetings in the early 2000s. Listening to her at meetings told me she had what I wanted… some Serenity. From then to now all good. Once a month I meet Susan, a sponsee, at a meeting and we go for coffee after, and we are in touch at other times as well. Other than my sponsor and Susan, I don’t have much contact with admitted alcoholics. My daughters give me the opportunity for a lifelong amends. Since 2007 Jim and I have been keeping company making yearly fire wood supply, traveling, and enjoying one another’s company. I am also so fortunate in having a number of good friends who share a similar life view…we are here to help each other navigate life’s happenings whatever they may be. We share similar life values. Yesterday I was walking with one of these women and we were talking about events that had influence in shaping who we are. As we finished our walk, my friend said, “Tex saved your life.” Absolutely. Underlying all the good fortune that I enjoy is my Higher Power…from the very beginning putting people in my life who were and are instrumental in allowing this life today. I have so much to be thankful for.

Stay well. Peace…

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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