ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
カール、リードしてくれてありがとう、そしてバースデーおめでとう。またソーバーの記念日を迎えられた仲間、おめでとうございます。 新しい仲間を歓迎します。ようこそ。私の名前はスーザンです。心身の絶望的な状態から立ち直りました。神が私をアルコールから切り離してくれたのは1990年9月1日で、そこからワークが始まりました。
私は普段、週に3日Zoomミーティングに出席します。毎回司会が「序文」「How It Works」その月の「伝統」から異なる読み合わせ箇所を選び、ミーティングの終わりには伝統12の長文のもの(ルイーズがシェアしてくれた!)を読みます。
Susan Maginniss
Translator : yu
Dear ESH
Thank you for leading and Happy Anniversary to Carl. Congratulations to anyone else that is celebrating another sober day. Welcome to our newest folks. My name is Susan and I too have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. God separated me from alcohol on 9/1/90 and then the work began.
I attend a zoom meeting usually 3+ days a week. Each day the chair selects different individuals to read the Preamble, How It Works, the tradition of the month and to close the meeting, the long form of the 12th tradition (already shared by Louise)!
The newest thing that I have experienced is that someone is also selected daily to read, as found in AA general service conference approved literature, a promise of their choice. It makes the meeting interesting and takes me to that portion of the Big Book (or other literature) and I get to remember the miracle that I have been graced to live as I read within the area that the daily promise comes from.
It has struck this old timer (better late than never) that each promise can also be used an a way of taking inventory and is not only a promise, but a responsibility as well.
Blessings from Vermont
Susan Maginniss