ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
の後半にある個人の物語の「心の言葉 language of heart」でした。最初は、別の出版物で回復に関する似たような人生の物語を読んでいました。私と同じように苦しみながらも、そこから抜け出す方法を見つけた仲間たちの記録を読むまでは、私は完全に迷い、絶望していました。
Translator : yu
Hi dear ESH friends,
Dorothy here, definitely an alcoholic, sober by the grace of God. Thanks so much George... for your service, your friendship and a great meeting opener.
I've been trying to pinpoint times that I might have been steered toward something in our literature early on and there's not one specific instance for me - over the years I've heard many others share their ESH through our awesome literature and am always grateful for it.
But I can definitely point to something that was the catalyst for my life-changing/life-giving sobriety. That was the "language of the heart" spoken in the stories in the back of the book. Initially, though.. it was reading similar life stories of recovery but in a different publication. Until I read the accounts written by people who'd suffered as I was - yet had discovered a way out.. I was completely lost.. and doomed.
In fact, as I was hitting my bottom I had developed a habit of crawling into bed early evenings (before I passed out) and awakening in the wee hours of the morning. Laying there I would berate myself endlessly for my drunkenness of the night before, wondering how it had happened again and vowing this day would be different! One of these early morning I was laying there and it was like a neon sign exploded above my head with the words impending doom - almost a real visual it was so real. It wasn't a term I'd ever consciously even thought of before... but that night/day it perfectly described what I was feeling. In my early days in AA I heard it again ... and it was one of those amazing confirmations I was experiencing that helped cement my belief I was finally in the right place.
peace & love,