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**********ニュースレター「AA Grapevine」が発行されました。

ビッグ ブックの第 2 版は 1955 年に、第 3 版は 1976 年に、第 4 版は 2001 年に発行されました。現在、第 5 版が作成中です。

インターネット時代の当初から、オンラインミーティングのグループはありました。新型コロナウイルスの影響で、AA はオンライン ミーティングの 4 次元の世界へと打ち上げられました。オンライン ミーティングは、みんながみんな興味あるものではありませんが、私を含め仲間の多くが AA とつながっていることから分かるように、革命をもたらしたことは確かです。









リック オンタリオ州ワサガビーチ




Translator : **

**********A newsletter- the AA Grapevine- was published. A second edition of the Big

Book was published in 1955, a third in 1976, a fourth in 2001. And a 5th edition is in the works.

While there have been online groups since the early days of the Internets, COVID rocketed AA into a 4th dimension of online meetings, which aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but have certainly revolutionized how many of us, me included, are connected to AA.

What does this all have to do with “my” recovery? Well, as the first tradition mentions, our group unity is more important than individual recovery, and it took me a long time to realize that. In other words, “we” are more important than “me”. And the last tradition reminds us to put principles before personalities. For years I was mainly focused on my own recovery, which is understandable but it wasn’t enough. Sure, I chaired meetings and did some service if it was convenient.

But gradually, attending step and tradition meetings, reading more about the history, and seeing how my own recovery was not evolving— I had upgraded my selfishness in a sense and was still in my own bubble— I eventually realized how important the traditions and structure of AA are to my own recovery.

This is, after all, a “we” program, as we are reminded even by the first word of the first step. I needed to get involved on another level, to be part of the “we”, and not just coast on not drinking and going to meetings. Now I’m back to nearly daily online meetings, in part because there are no face to face meetings anywhere near me, but mostly because I really enjoy them and love seeing newcomers join the AA team and count days and often get sober. They help my recovery in ways that they can’t imagine, and hopefully I contribute to the “we” aspect of the meetings.

Anyhow, I’ll be curious to hear *whether and how AA’s history and evolution has related to your own recovery*. Maybe AA history isn’t really of interest or relevant to your sobriety. Maybe you would prefer if we all just forgot all the other literature and stuck to the first 164 pages of the Big Book. I’m curious to learn more about what works for you. For me, AA, like me, is a work in progress. Meanwhile, a day at a time, I am grateful that I’m still alive and sober….and part of something greater than me. Plus, being able to connect with you helps me stay sober and sane.



Thank you

Well said... I share your concern of altering the basic text

rick.. Wasaga Beach, Ontario


Thank you, Rick. There are many who feel the same we just don’t need to engage in controversy to stand up for the timeless message of AA.


This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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