my decision - Dorothy (2023/6/26)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ


ミーティング会場では、私は最初からメッセージを聞いていました ...... 満足のいく



に入っているのではないかと疑ってしまいました (^^ 御言葉とAA、どっちが先??!?!? 私は回復に高揚していたので、オープンになり、探求を続けることを厭わなかったのです。長い話を少し短くすると...... 私は教会に通い続け、そして自分の信仰についての真実を発見しました。以前はミーティング会場で誰かが、「回復したカトリック教徒」と名乗るのを聞くと ... ありがたいことに、ここしばらくはそんなことはないのですが ... 気分を害したものですが、でももしその話が出れば、私は自分がどのように感じていたかを簡単に思い出すことができます。自分の目覚めにとても感謝しています。

の最後のページにあるハーバート・スペンサーの言葉を思い出すのが好きです。「あらゆる情報に対する障壁であり、あらゆる議論に対抗し、人を永遠の無知に陥らせない原理がある。ー その原理とは、調べもしないで軽蔑することである」


Translator : yu

Hi ESH friends,
It's wonderful to be with you for this week's meeting. Thanks, dear Louise, for your lead. And warm congratulations to you and all celebrating milestones of sobriety. You all inspire me!

"Which choice did you make and how do you follow through with it?"

I heard the message right from the get-go in the rooms... that we would have to rely on a power greater than ourselves if we wanted a contented sobriety. And boy, I certainly wanted that!

I also had been raised in Catholic schools. For me, "religion" was just one of the subjects taught, along with reading, writing, etc. I learned things about God, but I can't say I really believed much of it. It was hard for me, not being able to see or experience it in my physical world.

So I listened to what others' shared with their experiences. I did make a decision to be open about the subject and for some time I just went through motions, believed that they believed and acted as if. By the time I reached Step 11, I'd enjoyed some of my own God-incidences and was starting to trust a little more. My sponsor encouraged me to explore various ways to connect with my higher power.. and one of the several ways I did that was to darken the doors of a Catholic church again for the first time in many years.

Boy, was I in for a surprise. First of all, the sermon that day made me suspect the priest was in the program (^^. Which came first, the Word or AA ?!?!? I was so high on recovery that I remained willing to be open and continue exploring. Long story somewhat shorter.... I continued going, feeling like I'd come home... and really discovered the truth about my faith. I used to be offended when I'd hear in the rooms someone identify as a "recovering Catholic", which thankfully hasn't happened in quite a while now.... but if it comes up, I can easily remember how I felt about all sorts of things, too. I'm very grateful for my own awakening.

I love to go back, in many situations (another one just recently), to the Herbert Spencer quote in the last pages of our Big Book. "There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance—that principle is contempt prior to investigation."

Thanks for being here with me, friends!

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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