ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
の友人たち、アルコホリックのチャックです。今日ソーバーでいられることに感謝し、明日もそうでありたいと願っています。自分よりも偉大な力に対する私自身の理解は、確かにそれをするのに役立っています。 おめでとう ルイーズ、51年もの間、今日だけはお酒を飲まないという選択を成功させてくれて、本当におめでとう。とても興味深いトピックを開いてくれてありがとう。このような議論から、この
ミーティングではもちろんのこと、これほど多くの有益で有意義な知恵をここに列挙し、要約することは不可能です。このシェアが TLDRシェア (Too Long, Didn't Read 長すぎて読んでません) になることを覚悟で、書いてみます。
まず第一に、私は自分が無神論者だとは思っていません。 私はある種の不可知論者として出発したのかもしれませんが、私は最近では神学者に近い考え方なので、(私が考える)神は自然界の神であって、個人的な神ではありません。だから神は存在するのか、という質問に対しては、間違いなくイエスと答えます。私もまたそれを信じ、自分の人生の中で実際に多くの
だから大人になるにつれての私の答えは "そう、神はいる " というものでした。だから何?酔っぱらってどん底に落ちるまでは早かったです。私の人生はめちゃくちゃでした。AAのことは何も知りませんでした。宗教に入信してソーバーになった人がいることは知っていました。私はエルクトンというメリーランド州の教会に行ってみました。私が落第した大学の町から道を下ったところにある教会です。その夜、駐車場に座ってキャンプ集会のテントを覗いていたら、カーラジオから伝道師の話が聞こえてきて、罪から清められに来るようにと、彼が人々を前に招いているのが見えました。あの夜、車から飛び出して祭壇に駆け寄ったら、私は今頃どうなっていたでしょう。うーん...。私は酔っ払いだ。きれい好きな連中は、私と関わりたくないんだ。
誰が私にAAのことを教えてくれたのかわからないけれど、最後に電話したら、私が住んでいたところのすぐ近くにミーティングがあったのです。何度か行きましたがあまり理解できず、質問もせず、文献も読みませんでした。そして1日たりとも酒を止めませんでした。でも記憶に残っているのは、我々が理解する神、という不思議なフレーズでした。そんなとき私はそこで、過去に一緒に飲んだことのある知り合いに会いました。 恥ずかしくて二度と行きませんでした。匿名のアルコホリックとは、まさにこのことです。そうして私には3年以上の酔っぱらい生活が待っていました。
)の考えでは、祈りや瞑想は、単に私の心を正しい場所に向かわせ、頭の中を整理して集中できるようにし、自分の問題に対する解決策が心の中に入ってきやすくするためのるための道具に過ぎないのです。私はシンプルな3つの単語の祈りだけを使います:神様、私を、助けてください。ありがとう、神様。 私に対する神のご意志を知るために祈ることについて、それはもうわかっています。できる範囲で人助けをし、少なくとも人を傷つけず、世界をより良い場所にするためにできることを行い、まだ苦しんでいる酔っぱらいにしらふでいる方法を教えたり、友人の洗濯機を再び使えるようにすること。とにかく私がしていることです。私はそれを神の意志を行うことと呼んでいます。全能の神は私の助けを必要としません。(神ではなく)人間は私の助けを必要としています。そして私は 他の人に助けを求め、彼らにもまた神の意志を行う機会を与えるようにします。私の
がどのように書かれたかについての本を私にくれました。私はまた "AA Comes of Age" と "Dr Bob" と "Good Old Timers" を読みました。繰り返しますが、私は無神論者ではありませんが、無神論者や無宗教者が今日のAAを作り上げるのに手を貸したということに魅了されました。1938年から39年にかけての彼らの意見がなかったら、今日、苦しんでいる酔っぱらいはもっとたくさんいたことでしょう。私がもしあの頃に生きていたら、アクロンよりもニューヨークのほうが
Chuck S
Sherwood WI
Dec 4 1990
Translator : yu
Hi ESH friends I'm an alcoholic and I'm Chuck, grateful to be sober today with the hope of doing the same tomorrow. My own understanding of a power greater than myself certainly helps me to do just that. Congratulations Louise on 51 years of successfully choosing not to drink just for today and thank you for opening up a most interesting topic. From discussions such as this, my knowledge of this higher power is tweaked, modified, appended and improved. The shares this week seem somewhat longer than usual, and as I read them, so many instances pop up in my mind of how my impression of what we call God has developed over my life. It is impossible to recount so many useful and meaningful nuggets of wisdom and encapsulate them here, let alone in a time-constrained home group meeting. At risk of this being a TLDR share, here goes.
First of all, I certainly do NOT consider myself an atheist. I may have started as some form of agnostic, I am more likely a deist these days, a God of nature if you will, not a schmoozy personal one. So, to answer the question of is there is a god, I answer most certainly yes. I am another one who believes in and has actually met many HPs in my life (polytheistic?). My parents were my first, then teachers. and I can't forget about the bully at school. The man who signs my paycheck is a power greater than myself. Conversely, he hired me to do for him what he could not do for himself. Not that I am claiming to be a higher power, but that is one way I can be of maximum use to my HP, by being of maximum use to fellow humans. And let's not overlook a power even greater than that- my wife. I do believe that God exists, but I reject the anthropomorphised version offered by mainstream religion. My guess is this was a device created millennia ago, initially for the purpose of explaining phenomena that couldn't be explained any other way, but over generations morphed into a mechanism for social control and a power grab which the masses were forced to believe and obey... or else. Do what I'm taught and go to heaven or misbehave an burn in hell. The old carrot and stick game. My dad told me as a kid I need to fear God, and in Sunday School I was taught that God is Love. Interesting dichotomy here. Who in their right mind would love a schizophrenic God like that? I was told God is everywhere at once, and yet he lives in my heart. Is that so? God knows when a sparrow falls but where is he when millions and millions die because of war, famine, pestilence, natural disasters. Does he know every hair on their heads too? Sounds like a caring God to me. And why should I pray for knowledge of Gods will when I am told that his will always prevails whether I pray or not. And no religions people could ever reconcile the contradictions in the bible in a logical way to my satisfaction.
So as I grew older my answer was Yes there is a God. So what? Fast forward to my drunken bottom. My life was a mess. I knew nothing of AA. I did know that some people got sober by getting some religion. I tried a holy rollers church in Elkton MD, down the road from the college town I flunked out of. Sitting in the parking lot that night looking into the camp meeting tent, I heard the preacher on my car radio and saw him inviting people to come forward and be washed clean of their sins. I wonder what I would be like today if I busted out of my car ran up to the altar that night. Hmmmm... Im a drunk. These squeaky clean folks want nothing to do with me.
I don't know who told me about AA, but I did at last call and there was a meeting right up the road from where I lived. I went a few times, and didn't understand much, didn't ask questions, didn't read any literature and didn't stop drinking even for a day. What stuck in my memory though was the curious phrase phrase God as we understood him. Then I met someone there who I knew and drank with in the past. I was so embarrassed I didn't go back. So much for being an anonymous alcoholic. And so I had more than three years of drunkenness ahead of me.
I came back to AA in 1989-90 after a few detoxes where we had to go to meetings. I began hear you sober folk talking in a way that made sense to me and I wanted what you had. You didn't wag your fingers at me saying what a sinner I was and how I needed a good dose of Jesus ASAP. I was allowed to find a power greater than myself that made sense to me, and I sort of already had one. All I had to do was dust him off a bit. I've been going with and building on that HP concept ever since I sensed that I didn't need to go chasing the next drink anymore.
Last year I went through the Big Book again and in Chap 4 my step guide seemed to emphasize that coming up with my own concept is a good beginning but I need to move forward. Sure I knew there is a god but is he everything or nothing? If I make him everything, then the ultimate goal for me would be joining a religions order or something, going whole hog reading the bible literally, embracing the Ussher Chronology and rejecting the Big Bang and all the other absurdities I've encountered in my journey. I thought about it for a moment. Not so. My step guide taught me that prayer and meditation were simply tools to get my mind in the right place, to unclutter my head so I can focus, to allow solutions to my problems more easily enter my mind. My simple 3-word prayers are all I use: God help me and Thank you God. As for praying for knowledge of Gods will for me, well I already know that. Help other people where I can, at least don't hurt anyone, do what I can to make the world a better place, from showing the still suffering drunk how I stay sober to getting a friends washing machine to work again. Stuff I do anyway. I call that doing Gods will. Omnipotent God doesn't need any help from me. My fellow mankind can use my help. And I can ask others for help and let them have an opportunity to do Gods will too. My HP talks to me through people like you. My step guide also gave me a book on the history of early AA and how the Big Book was written. I also read AA Comes of Age and Dr Bob and the Good Old Timers. Again, I am not an atheist, but it fascinated me that atheists and agnostics had a hand in creating the AA we have today. I'm sure that without their input in 1938-39, there would be a lot more suffering drunks today. And if I lived back then, I would have a better shot at sobriety in New York than in Akron.
I have bits and pieces of the God I learned about as a kid, but I also am quick to see where religious people are right (and wrong). A lady I do handyman jobs for knows I am in AA and is happy for me. But she beats me over the head with the Jesus hammer every time I see her. She needed her water heater replaced and she said she prayed for Jesus to send me. I beg to differ but I distinctly remember it was her that texted me. I told her I was gleaning ideas from other great non-proselytizing religions of the world such as Native American spirituality. I would rather search the nature of God as I understand him than be molested by a high pressure salesman of a faith that just doesn't add up. She warned me not to because they are Satanic. Sheesh! Civilizations have all had their unique religions that kept them going. Who am I to question that? That only makes me even more interested. I do say there is a God, and OK, he is everything, but the Big Book says nothing about believing in the Devil, unless personified by alcohol. I also don't believe in Peter Pan, Frankenstein or Superman.
Last week, driving down the hill from my home group, I saw the setting summer solstice sun. I pulled into the boat ramp on Lake WInnebago where there were a number of folk sitting there watching the big orange basketball swishing into the net on the northwestern horizon, gradually fading. I had my binoculars trained on it and watched it till it no longer shone through the haze. We all seemed to be mildly awestruck, at least I was. Thank you God! This is my connection to HP. The one who made it all, wound it up, set it in motion for me and others to enjoy. I felt as if we were a bunch of Druids at Stonehenge.
Way too long, sorry. But I've hardly scratched the surface of where my mind has been on this subject. Pretty obvious to me that if I devote this much time and mental energy to a subject, while it may not be everything, at least it ain't nothing. I do not intend to offend anyone or try to bend people to my way of thinking. This is not for everybody just as theirs is not for me. I only talk about this topic for the persons out there who can identify with my so-called faith. Maybe it can help someone. That's the nice thing about AA. Nobody beats me over the head with any kind of hammer. Bottom line is I don't desire a drink today and I am humbly grateful for that. I guess something is working.
Thanks for listening
Chuck S
Sherwood WI
Dec 4 1990