Non-conforming - Mark (2023/7/26)  [Home]




正直に言うと、私はAAが大好きですが、それでもまだ、AAに適合するのに苦労するときがあります。"Acceptance Was the Answer" の「何ものも、完全に何ものも、神の宇宙では間違って起こることは無い」という記述を誰かが読むような時に、... 私の心はオーバードライブします ... 「苦しみや暴力、それも神のマスタープランの一部なのか?そんなことを許すなんて、神はサディストなのか?」というわけで、その部分は棚上げにしておくことにしました。

時には、”How it Works” の次の部分に抵抗を感じることさえああります。「上手くいかない人は稀にしかいませんでした」これは、最初のAAミーティングから約2年後に書かれたものです。このような大胆な発言をするほど、長い実績ではありません。実際、私たちは断酒に失敗する人々をいつも見ています。そして 初期のAAもそうでした;最初の頃にあれほど誇った成功者の何人かは、結局また酔っぱらうことになりました。

が病気であって、単に道徳的な性格上の欠陥の問題ではないのであれば、 病気の人間に対して「


私が初めてAAに来たとき、最初の頃のミーティングで「あなたたちが、スローガンで私を洗脳しようとしているのではないかと心配しています」と言ったら、誰かが笑って「あなたの脳は少し洗う必要があるのかもしれません」と言いました。確かにその通りでした。「酒を飲むな、ミーティングに行け」という言葉は、初期の段階で大いに役立ちました......そしてそれは今でも理にかなっています。 私たちの足元にある霊的な道具一式は、本当に大切なことに集中するのに役立つ実践が満載です。平安の祈りの三位一体(受容/勇気/知恵)と、AAの三位一体(回復、奉仕、一体性)は、白か黒かの二元論から抜け出すのを助けてくれます。



Translator : yu

Greetings all:

I’m Mark and I’m an alcoholic who, amazingly, hasn’t drink today. The normal routine for someone like me with alcohol use disorder (as they apparently call it these days in the medical world) would be to drink, so by not drinking, I’m in a sense not conforming to the biological algorithm that for years convinced me tha I “had” to drink.

Great topic, Laura: how did we come to believe in the AA way, conforming/ adjusting to this new way of life in practical ways.

To be rigorously honest, as much as I love AA, I still have moments where I struggle to conform. Like when someone reads the part of Acceptance Was the Answer where it says “nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God’s universe by mistake”….my mind goes into overdrive…. “What about all the suffering and violence and ….That’s part of God’s master plan too? Is God some sort of sadist to allow that to happen” So I have to leave that part of the literature on the shelf.

At times I even find myself resisting the part of How it Works that reads “Rarely have we seen people fail….”which was written about two years after the very first AA meetings. Not a long track record to be making such a bold statement. In fact we see people fail to get sober all the time. And so did the early AAs; some of the first successes they were so proud of in the first edition ended up getting drunk again.

Of course we can say, “well, they weren’t rigorously honest with themselves.” Maybe. I certainly struggled with that early on. But if indeed alcoholism is a disease and not just a matter of moral defects of character, then maybe we need to stop blaming the sick person for not “working the program”.

So on a practical level, what did work?

When I first came to AA I said at an early meeting “I’m worried you are trying to brainwash me with your slogans” and someone laughed and said “maybe your brain needs a little washing,” which was definitely true. “Don’t drink and go to meetings” was massively helpful early on… and it still makes good sense. The spiritual toolkit laid our feet is full of practices that help focus on what’s really important. The triangulation of the Serenity prayer (acceptance/courage/wisdom) and the AA triangle (recovery, service, unity) help me get out of the duel of black and white dualism.

But I also appreciate that, while we have a format and structure for meetings and the fellowship, there is also room for some level of non-conformity. The only requirement is a desire to stop drinking. I also appreciate the early non-conformers in AA who insisted we shouldn’t have to accept someone else’s Higher Power but are challenged to come to believe in one of our own understanding. AA history suggests this brilliant element, emphasized in the third and eleventh step, required some negotiation between the New York and Akron branches, but it is to me an essential part of how AA works for me.

Thank you all for helping me stay sober today!

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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