AAが私に教えてくれた最大の教訓は、世界は私を中心に回っているのではない!ということです。 私は、神が作ろうとしている偉大なる傑作の中の、小さな一粒のかけらに過ぎないのです。
シンプルでいることが私のモットーです。飲んでいた頃は、私は危機的なジャンキーで、被害者でドラマのクイーンでした。うう! 今は混沌から逃げています。今では、他人にとっては退屈な人生を送るために努力してきたと言うようになりました。私はシンプルなことで満足しています。ジョーンズに追いつく (?) 必要はありません。「シンプル」なものが好きなのです。シンプルなカントリーミュージック、シンプルに犬が遊んだり寝たりしているのを見ること、具合の悪い主人をあやしたり、野球チームのテキサス・レンジャーズの追っかけをしたり。孫たちを堕落させて (?) 、ブラック・アイド・ピー豆を収穫するのを手伝わせたり、殻を剥かせたりするのが好きなのです... その間に主人は、1ドルのお駄賃を払ってくれました。ビー玉ゲームをしたり、我々が子供の頃にはなかったアプリで、野球やサッカーをする孫たちを見ます。このひどいテキサスの暑さの中で汗だくになりながらではなく、冷房の効いた部屋からそれを見るという贅沢ができます。
私は君たちを愛しているし、君たちにできることは何もありません。 時々、私のひねくれた心が私を苛立たせます。 でも、こういう単純なことを思い出して基本に立ち返れば、人生はうまくいきます。「私たち」は幸せ者です。
Suanne G
DOS 6-20-01
Translator : yu
Hi everyone
My name is Suanne and I am an alcoholic. Thanks Laura for leading our meeting this week. And congratulations on your 41st birthday! What a miracle for you, and a miracle for any of us who have stayed sober another day.
I guess some of the biggest concepts AA taught me was that the world doesn't revolve around me! I'm just a little speck of thread in a big masterpiece God is making.
Keeping it Simple is my motto. When I was drinking, I was a crisis junkie and oh such a victim and drama queen. Ugh! Nowadays I run from chaosis. I tell people I have worked hard to have a life that is boring to others. I am satisfied with the simple things, no need to keep up with the Joneses. And I just like SIMPLE. Simple country music, simple to be watching my dogs play or sleep, fussing over hubby who doesn't feel well and trying to keep up with the Texas Rangers baseball team. I love having corrupted the grandkids into helping me pick black eyed peas and even shelling them... while hubby went before us planting $1 to keep them going. Playing marble games or watching the grands playing baseball or soccer on apps we didn't have as a kid. I have the luxury of watching from an air conditioned room instead of sweating in this horrible Texas heat.
When I get overwhelmed, I have to reel things back into today. I don't have to worry about tomorrow because it isn't here yet. Just look at my feet and where they are planted.
HALT is a good one: Hungry?? eat something; Angry?? - call your sponsor, Lonely ?? - get to a meeting, Tired ?? - Take a Nap. We just complicate too much.
You Can't Outgive God.
There Is Always, Always, Always something to be grateful for!!
Talk to God. Thank Him. Pray for His will. His answers are either: yes, no, or later - I have something better planned.
Sobriety is a gift but it comes with responsibility of my giving back.
I love you guys and there's nothing you can do about it. Sometimes my twisted mind will make me squirrelly. But when I remember these simple things and get back to basics, life is good. WE are the lucky ones.
Suanne G
DOS 6-20-01