ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
の友人たち。このミーティングにご一緒できて光栄です。私はドロシー、間違いなくアルコホリックです。1986/7/22 の初めてのミーティング以来、神の恵みによってソーバーです。まさかこんなことになるとは...本当に感謝しています!
このドッグデイズ・オブ・サマー(アメリカ)に向けて ... 今週の簡単なトピックを考えていました ... みんなが楽しめることを期待して。
(P.83-84)からのこの一文は、多くのミーティングで読まれ、我々はそれに親しんでいます ... ... そしてもちろん、私たちの文献の中に散りばめられています。
** 私たちは過去を悔やむこともなければ、それに蓋をしようとも思わない **
私の過去は簡単ではありませんでしたが ... 他の人ほど荒れてもいませんでした。アルコホリックの家庭で育ったのは、控えめに言っても楽しいものではありませんでした。 他にも困難なことがありました ... 親の精神病、失業、家の差し押さえ、家庭内暴力などです。ほとんどがアルコール関連でした。私の両親は二人とも被害者意識を持っていました ... すべて/誰もが自分たちを敵視し、自分たちに起こった悪いことは何も自分たちのせいではなかったと。自己憐憫が多かったのです。子どもは自分で生きることを学ぶと、彼らは言いました。私の姉妹は2人とも、被害者意識の苦しみをずっと背負って生きてきました。AAのプロセスを経て、私はそれを免れました。神様、ありがとう。
自分自身がどん底に落ちているとき、私はそれをぐずぐずとグズグズと否認する事をしませんでした ー できませんでした。私はすぐに、この病気を遺伝させた両親を責めたくなりました。しかしミーティングに ... ミーティングに来た時に ... 私は蓋をしてきた自分の過去と向き合うことで、何年もの "yets" (これから来る悪い事態?)を免れるのだと心から信じました。
私はこれまでの人生で、いくつかの嫌な選択をしてきました。AAでは、個人の責任について学び、自分の欠点を認め、神にそれを取り除いてもらうことを学びました。そして、自分の悪い選択や性格の欠点に正直に向き合うことで、私は赦しと癒しを見つけました。自分の欠点が再び浮かび上がってきたとき、私はそれを見抜き、認め、神の助けを求める方法を学びました。今では何も隠す必要はなのです ... なんという贈り物でしょう!
あなたの約束について、今週は聞きたいです ...
平和と愛 ...
Translator : yu
Good Sunday, ESH friends, It's a privilege to be here with you for this meeting. I'm Dorothy, definitely an alcoholic - sober by the grace of God since my first AA meeting on July 22, 1986. I didn't expect that... and I am so very grateful!
I'd like to open with the Serenity Prayer:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change - courage to change the things I can - and wisdom to know the difference.
As we trudge these dog days of summer (in the US)... I was thinking of a simple topic for this week... hopefully something for everyone.
"Pick a promise... any promise". We're familiar with those read at many meetings from the Big Book (p. 83-84)* ... and granted, there are many more sprinkled throughout our literature.
Please share an AA promise realized in your life - or maybe one you're still hoping for.
I'll share about this one:
**We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.**
My past wasn't easy... but not as rough as others. Growing up in an alcoholic home was not pleasant, to say the least. There were other challenges, too - parental mental illness, unemployment, house foreclosures, domestic violence among them. Mostly alcohol related. Both my parents had a victim mindset.. everything/everyone was against them and nothing bad that happened to them was ever their fault. Lots of self-pity. They say children learn what they live. Both my sisters have lived with the pain of victimhood all their lives. Through AA's process I was spared that. Thank you, God.
Not only do I not regret that past... I am very grateful for it. Growing up in that environment and witnessing the alcoholic death of my father allowed me to see firsthand the predictable course of this disease. It was in my face.
As I was hitting my own bottom I didn't - couldn’t - languish in denial about it. I immediately wanted to blame my parents for passing along this disease. But as I came... came to... in the rooms - I truly believe I was spared years of "yets" by facing my past instead of shutting the door on it.
I've made some nasty choices in my life. In AA I've learned about personal responsibility and owning up to my shortcomings, asking God to lift them from me. And by honestly facing my bad choices and character defects I've found forgiveness and healing. When my shortcomings resurface, I've learned how to see it, admit it, ask for God's help... again. I don't need to hide anything away today... What a gift!
Hope to hear about your promises this week...
Thanks for being here.
Peace and love......
* If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are halfway through. We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace. No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others. That feeling of uselessness and self pity will disappear. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows. Self-seeking will slip away. Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change. Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us. We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.