Step 11 - Relationship With God - Dominic (2024/7/5)  [Home]
ステップ11 - 神との関係



テーマ: ステップ 11 とそれについての質問です。神との関係をどのように確立し、維持し、改善しましたか?


12ステップを進めているうちに、毎朝の祈りに、第7ステップの祈りと、他の人のための祈りを加えました。そのときは、まだ、ステップ11まで行っていなかったので、気づきませんでした。私が、神とともに静かな時間を築き上げ、祈りの生活を築き上げていることを。ステップ8・9まで来ると、私は神を求めるようになり、12ステップを実践して、AAに参加する意欲に火が付きました。そうして、何十年も足が遠のいていた教会に、再び通うようになりました。さらに、聖書まで読むようになりました。それまで、聖書なんて読んだことはなかったのです。聖書の歴史・物語・教訓に、12ステップの原理が索引付けされている、「ライフ リカバリー バイブル」を手に入れました。今現在も、学び続けています。「


それ以来、私は 12 ステップの原理や、他の人たちと協力することを含むその他の霊的修行を着実に実践しながら、毎日神を追い求めてきました。そうやって私は神との関係を深め続けます。ステップ10・11・12、そして神との関係に関しては、維持することよりも成長することが重要です。

ドミニク D.



Translator : mk

Good Morning ESH:

Thanks Louise for chairing this week, and for your topic. Congratulations to Louise on 52 years! Congratulations to Carl on 47 years! Congratulations to Susan S. on 27 years! Wow, what a fantastic week for sobriety birthdays!! Also congratulations to anyone else celebrating a sobriety milestone this week! Welcome to anyone new to ESH!!

Topic: Step 11 and ask the question: How did you establish, maintain, and improve your relationship with God?

Dominic recovered alcoholic. As I approached step 3 for the first time, I remember having some reluctance. I thought, was I really ready to turn my will and my life over to God? This seemed drastic at the time. I didn’t come here to find God, and chose long ago not to follow God. Yet my first step cut completely through the bamboo trees (thickness) of my alcoholism denial. I decided to move forward and do step 3 and continue to do and pray the 3rd step prayer each morning to the best of my ability. As I was beginning to realize, the entire solution on page 25, all of the 12 steps, and the testimonies of early AAs mentioned on page 29 --the center of the AA solution is on God!

With my work on the 12-steps progressing, I added in the 7th step prayers and praying for others each morning. I didn’t realize it at the time as I had not done step 11 yet, that I was developing a quiet time with God and developing a prayer life. By the time I was on steps 8 & 9, I was ignited in seeking God, working the 12-steps, and participating in AA! This led to my return to attending church which I hadn’t done for decades; I also began reading the Bible--something I had never done before. I picked up a “Life Recovery Bible” which has the 12-Steps and principles indexed in the history, stories, precepts of the Bible. I continue to the present to be fascinated and educated by the parallels of The Big Book to The Good Book.

By the time I was on Step 11 the first time, I had gone from reading about The Holy Spirit and thinking, I remember this from my Catholic elementary school years--I’m not sure I believe in The Holy Spirit; to realizing as my quiet time with God grew, that The Holy Spirit had become real and true for me. This conviction has never left me--I was in fact establishing my relationship with God! At about 2 years sober, my 2 young sons at the time were re-baptized!

I have been pursuing God daily ever since with steadfast practices of 12 step principles and other spiritual disciplines, including working with others. This is how I continue to grow my relationship with God. When it comes to steps 10, 11, 12, and my relationship with God, it is more about growing than maintaining.

Dominic D.

San Clemente, CA


This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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