ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
と AA に来た新しい仲間、おめでとう。ジェフ、今週のミーティングのリードと、トピックの提案、それとあなたのシェアをありがとう ... 神の一撃ですね。この例えに従うアルコホリックである私にとっては、自分がもらった一撃が、病気を予防するための最新のものであると思いたいです。毎日の解毒剤である
皆さんごきげんよう、平安に ...
Translator : **
Good morning. I’m Pam, a grateful alcoholic. Congratulations to sobriety celebrants and people new to ESH and/or Alcoholics Anonymous. Jeff, thank you for leading this week’s meeting, posing the topic, and your share …God-Shot. For this alcoholic following the metaphor, I like to think my shot is up to date, current to prevent illness. The daily antidote, the 12 steps became, have become a way of living.
Early in sobriety one shot in particular comes to mind. I was having a difficult time making weighty decisions concerning my children while pacing the perimeter of the backyard and quietly voicing, “what am I supposed to do?” At some point I heard a voice, clear as clear could be say, “Nothing.” I was startled and thought someone had heard me, looked around, but no one was close or even in sight. So, continue with daily antidote and remain grateful each day.
Stay well everyone. Peace…