やあ皆さん - アルコホリックのエレンです。今日もシラフでいることに大変感謝しています。
の)「約束」を知ったのは、ソーバーになって1カ月半か2カ月の頃で、それは紙にタイプされて、ミーティング中にチラシのように回されていました。それを読みながら、鳥肌が立ち、静かに息を呑んだのを覚えています(ミーティングが進行中とも気づかずに!)。それと私は口をポカンと開けたのを覚えています。この約束のリストがどこから来たのか、紙にはどこにも書かれていませんでした。隣に座っていた人に聞いたら ...
を初めて読んだときのことを何も覚えていないことに気づくには、長い時間がかかりました。私は、酒を止めるどころか、読んだことのどれひとつとして「聞く」準備が出来ていませんでした ... 片方の目で見たものは、もう片方から出てしまっていたのです。ああ。待ってくださいな。約束の話に戻りましょう ... そのひとつひとつが一つ残らず私の中で実現していました。
そして、"これこそ" が、
Date of Sober 2003/1/21
Translator : **
Hi, all - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. Very grateful to be sober, today.
I was maybe a month and a half/two months sober when I first became aware of The Promises, typed up on a paper and passed around during a meeting like a flyer. As I read through them, I remember getting goosebumps and silently gasping (meeting was in progress dontcha know!) and I seem to remember my mouth hanging open. There was nowhere on the paper to indicate where this list of promises came from and I asked the person sitting next to me... they told me they were in the Big Book. Really. I had read the Big Book from cover to cover and don't remember seeing them. It would take me a long time to realize that I remembered nothing from that first time reading the Big Book. I wasn't ready to 'hear' any of what I read, let alone stop drinking... in one eye and out the other. Oh. Wait. Back to the promises... every single one of them was coming true for me. Is this what sobriety looked like? I had no way of knowing at that time that these promises were indicated to take place "before we are halfway through" the ninth step. Looking back, were these promises coming true for me that early in my sobriety to give me hope? I may never know, but I'd like to think that God was doing for me what I could not do for myself.
And, THAT is the biggest and most astounding gift I have received, not only in sobriety, but throughout my entire life. Today, I know that God had always been there. Only in retrospect do I see where He has done for me time and time again what I had no idea about. One morning, I woke up and did not want to drink, anymore. This God that I had worked so hard to believe out of existence had removed the obsession and craving for alcohol. He planted in my mind the idea of going to Alcoholics Anonymous in order to teach me how to live life without alcohol. I was no longer resistant or afraid to investigate this God-thing, even though I had no idea what this was going to look like or what was going to happen. I put one foot in front of the other and went to AA. Was this me or God? I hadn't been told to get help nor had I asked for help of any kind.
These promises have ebbed and flowed throughout the years of my sobriety, all taking turns to be evident at various times. It is only by the grace of this ever-present God who I met in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous that I stay sober and continue to be blessed with each one.
This is just my experience. Yours may be different.
Thank you for letting me share.
Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03