Re: ESH Topic Week of October 13 - Ellen (2024/10/18)  [Home]
Re: 10月13日の週のトピック




・スタディのミーティングは、車椅子を使っているメンバーが司会をしています。彼は長年連れ添っている介助犬をミーティングに連れてきます。長年にわたり、ビル・W(犬の名前はビル・Wです!)がミーティングに参加する中で、主の祈りに加わるタイミングを覚えたようで、祈りが終わるまで吠え続けるのです…どうやら「Our Father(天にまします我らの父よ)」という言葉や、声のトーンやリズムに反応しているのではないかと私たちは思っています。一部の人はこれを不敬だと感じ、吠えないようにしてほしいと言います。しかし、その解決策は祈りの前に犬を部屋から出すことしかなく、現実的ではありません。私は、ビル・W(犬)が私の代わりに祈ってくれていると言っています。ただ、私が司会をして平安の祈りで閉会すると、彼は少し混乱するようです。彼の表情を見ると、「一体何が起きているんだ?」と周りを見渡していて…この犬が大好きです!

2016年12月のグレイプバイン **「おお、主よ!」著:ビル・K(カリフォルニア州サンタロサ)」で、あるメンバーが、主の祈りを唱える際の自分なりの役立つ解釈を提案しています。以下にその内容を記します。










私たちを誘惑に陥らせないでください:第一ステップと第三ステップを思い出させるものであり、私の困難を取り去ってください… という内容です。





アーメン:単に "そうなりますように" という意味です。


**Copyright AA Grapevine, December 2016




Sober Date 2003年1月21日

Translator : yu

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober and alive, today.

The group I belong to here in the White Mountains of Arizona has in their meeting format to open each meeting with the Serenity Prayer and for the chairperson to close with a prayer of their choice with a few options listed to choose from. Typically, each meeting closes with the Lord's Prayer. We do have a couple members who have mentioned that they would prefer another prayer. One has tried to use the Responsibility Statement, but no one has it memorized. I do not use the Lord's Prayer, so I always close the meetings I chair with the Serenity Prayer. I frequently receive comments of appreciation, even though it is a repetition in the same meeting.

When a meeting closes with a prayer that I do not use or have memorized, I bow my head and listen to the other voices. It is the spirit in the room that is important to me, not necessarily the words or where they originated. Listening can be synonymous with reading... it's neutral. When one of our members noticed that I wasn't saying the Lord's Prayer, he gave me a copy of a Grapevine writing that was more of a secular Higher Power interpretation of the Lord's Prayer. It made sense to me, although I still do not use the original prayer. I am including it below.

Our BB study meeting is chaired by a member who is confined to a wheelchair and he brings his longtime service dog to meetings. Somewhere in the many years Bill W (the dog is named Bill W!) has been attending meetings, he has picked up on when to join in with the Lord's Prayer by barking until the conclusion... we think it is either the words Our Father or the timber/cadence of voices. Some feel this is sacrilegious and have asked that we not allow the barking. The only solution is to remove the dog from the room before the prayer and that is not practical. I tell people that Bill W (the dog) prays for me. However, I do tend to confuse him when I am chairing and close with the Serenity Prayer. (I see it on his face and he looks at everyone in the room wondering what is happening... I love this dog!)

From the December 2016 Grapevine** Oh Lord! By: Bill K. | Santa Rosa, California

When it comes to saying the Lord’s Prayer, one member offers his own helpful interpretation

"There was a time when I was not too keen on saying the Lord’s Prayer at the close of our meetings. Today, with nearly 29 years of sobriety, I can look around and see some people fervently praying, while some are silent, and others substitute their own words to the prayer, such as Creator for Father or ego for evil. With all these differences, I’ve come to realize it’s a beautiful event we get to experience together.

It’s stated in various ways throughout our literature that AA is not a religious organization. Still, we regularly use an obviously religious prayer at many meetings. It’s worked for so many years because AA doesn’t tell us we have to interpret the Lord’s Prayer on religious grounds. If you happen to understand the Lord’s Prayer as a function of your religion—that’s wonderful. If you wish to interpret the Lord’s Prayer to suit your own beliefs and feelings, even from a non-religious perspective, this is absolutely acceptable too. Since we can choose a Higher Power of our own understanding, we can therefore interpret prayers at meetings and the language in the Big Book to match our personal spiritual needs.

I have finally realized that the most important aspect for me is to focus upon the prayer’s message, not its source. It really has a good message for us all. The following is how I hear the Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father: My Higher Power, using one of many different names.

Who art in heaven: A Power outside of myself.

Hallowed be thy name: A trust and reverence for my Higher Power.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven: All about my practicing and embracing the Third Step, an insurance policy for staying sober.

Give us this day our daily bread: Thank you for my sobriety today, please nourish my body, mind and soul.

And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us: A reminder of the relationships and dynamics of Steps Five, Six, Seven and Eight, all wrapped up together.

And lead us not into temptation: A reminder of Step One and Step Three, “Take away my difficulties …”

But deliver us from evil: I can’t find recovery without your help, please keep me sober today.

For thine is the kingdom: There are no mistakes in this world.

And the power, and the glory: A power greater than myself.

For ever and ever: One day at a time.

Amen: Simply means “So be it”.

A roomful of sober people, a few not so sober, holding hands, suffering from a common disease, seeking recovery, praying or not praying the Lord’s Prayer as they see fit—I can’t help but soak in the Fellowship’s abounding positive energy."

**Copyright AA Grapevine, December 2016

Sometimes, especially when I'm off-kilter, I need your connection with your Higher Power to help me find balance, again. This is especially powerful in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous, regardless of the prayer(s) used.

And, I stay sober.

This is my experience, yours may be different. Thank you for letting me share.

Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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