Being New to Sobriety - Suanne (2024/10/25)  [Home]








Sober Date:2001年6月20日


Translator : yu

Hi all,

My name is Suanne and I am an alcoholic. Thank you, Margie, for chairing the meeting and for your service to our group. 50 years is amazing. When I arrived in Hunt, Texas at the treatment center, I cried as my son drove off. I was in the middle of nowhere and I was 4 hours from home. There was a little guy from Australia there who was a patient too and he smiled and said: I know how you feel but it gets better. He was right. The first assignment they gave me was writing a goodbye letter to alcohol. I thought this was flat out nutty, but we were told to be specific on the why. Later I realized it was a part of step one. It’s what made me realize I was powerless over alcohol, and that my life was unmanageable. We had to read that letter to our group. Like someone said, i had a spiral that I wrote down a list of things to pray about and another column was my gratitude list. There was so much to learn. But the thing that happened for me right away, was hope. I needed a glimmer of hope, because I had lost all that when “out there.” The hope came as I listened to the promises, as people told me it gets better, as I saw all walks of life there (from doctors and lawyers and homeless and housewives). Our disease doesn’t discriminate. But I found out what was wrong with me and I found my people. Doing a step three and surrendering to the God of my understanding… at first I thought I was being sacrilegious because already my ideas about God didn’t match the southern Baptist god. But I talked with one of the counselors who helped me make sense of the “as I understand Him.” AND I NEEDED him big time. It was such a relief to turn my will and life over to His care. I wasn’t walking alone any more. I loved having God back in my life. And the obsession to drink had been removed! I was taught to think the drink through….play that tape all the way to hugging the toilet. Funny, how we can romance the drink and remember the good times and forget the bad, but the good times had ended for me a long time ago. I could remember that last drunk easily and I haven’t forgot it. So play the tape all the way to the end.

I thought those little sayings on the wall were catchy, but trite. Wrong! Even today when I get squirrelly, there are times when they are the only thing I can remember. HALT was a saying that I have to check in regularly about: am I hungry, angry, lonely or tired? By the time I left there, I had a decent start with lots of stuff to learn and grow. I’d barely stuck my big toe in the water. I’ve had different sponsors along the way and learned a lot from each of you. Eventually, one of the girls I met at rehab and I stayed connected. We got to the treatment center within 2 hours of each other. And we kept in touch, laughing and crying. We started out by saying: as your friend I would tell you this. As a sponsor, I’d tell you that. Eventually they became one and the same. So never forget the people who come in the rooms to get sober. One day they might be your next sponsor.

If you made it this far, thank you for listening. I’m grateful for you.
Suanne G
DOS 6-20-01

When we get tangled up in our problems, God wants us to be still so He can untangle the knot.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

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