ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
で提供できるのは言葉です。そして、AA においても、他のすべてにおいても、感謝とは行動です。それは、助けを求めることができない人のために、一歩先を行く行動をとること。配偶者や子ども、その他の親族に対しても、もっと親切で愛情深く接すること。彼らが自分にとって厄介な存在であっても、そのようにすること。感謝とは、自分よりも他の人を思いやることです。こうした行動をとることで、自分自身も良くなります。これが、私にとっての感謝の実践です。
Translator : yu
Hi, everyone. George, a drunk. Thank you, Dave, for chairing. Gratitude is not just a bunch of words, spouted effortlessly and gloriously although all we have to offer in ESH are our words. In AA, as with everything else, gratitude is an action. We must show it with our feet by going the extra mile for someone who needs our help but won't ask for it. We must be kinder and more loving to our spouse, our children, and other relatives, even the ones who are pains in our butts, and have been ever since birth. Gratitude is thinking more about others than ourselves. Doing these things will make a better us. And that's the way it works for me.