A Practical Suggestion - Jeff (2023/7/27)  [Home]


を仕切っていたボーリングの玉のような女性 ー ニューヨーク出身の元ヘロイン中毒者(彼女の机の上には「気をつけて!2.0秒以内にゼロから完全なビッチになる!」とサインされていました)が、一瞬私を見つめて言いました。「ジェフ、あんたは本当にクソだね。仕事がないと泣き言を言って時間を無駄にするよりも、回復を自分の仕事にしたらどうだい?」私は口をつぐみました。私は長い付き合いだから、この女性の言うことに異議を唱えるよりも、まさにその通りだと振り返ることの方が賢明だとわかっていました。

になってほしいと頼まれたとき、私は AA のど真ん中にいました。




Translator : yu

Hi Everyone, Jeff, alcoholic,

I sat in group therapy in the outpatient treatment center. I had been sober for three weeks by now. I was feeling good. I figured I had this little alcohol problem solved and it was time to get on with my life. When it was my turn to share, I complained about not having any luck in my job search. The five or six other newbies in the circle had heard this complaint before. The bowling ball-shaped woman who ran the program — an ex-heroin addict from New York (who had a sign on her desk that read, “Be careful! I go from zero to total bitch in 2.0 seconds.) stared at me for a moment and said, “You are so full of crap, Jeff. Instead of wasting our time whining about not having a job, why don’t you make your recovery your job?” I clammed up. I had been around long enough to know better than to challenge anything this woman said, but looking back I can see that’s exactly what happened.

Recovery became my job twenty-nine years ago and remains so today. It would be more than a year before I rejoined the work force. During this time, I served my apprenticeship in Alcoholics Anonymous. I loved the meetings and the people, so I went every day. I took all twelve steps with my sponsor, allowed the folks in my groups to get to know me and took on service positions. I began putting my hand out to the newcomers. I was firmly in the center of Alcoholics Anonymous when a man asked me to sponsor him. Sponsorship added a whole new dimension to my job in recovery.

I was three years sober when I moved to China for work. During my first few years in Shanghai there were very few qualified sponsors. So, I became the go-to guy for men thinking they could outrun their alcohol problem by moving to China. I had the remarkable opportunity to sponsor many men that I would not have had in San Diego where there are tons of qualified sponsors. Many fell by the wayside, but I continue to work with a couple of these men today. I have history with these men, and it is precious to me.

A while back I remember sharing with a new guy who was struggling. He said he was so worried about not having a job and running out of money that he was paralyzed. He said he hadn’t been to a meeting and wasn’t taking any other recovery actions. All he could do was sit on his couch. I said, “Why don’t you make recovery your job?” It’s funny that this suggestion that sounded completely silly to me twenty-nine years ago makes perfect sense today.

Have a great sober week.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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