Topic - things done for me by AAs - Dave (2024/1/13)  [Home]
トピック - AAが私にしてくれたこと



90年代後半、13歳の養子(母親と私は離婚していた)の法廷審問ために、ヴァージニアからカルフォルニアに旅をしてアラメダ郡の裁判所にいた。息子は、ベビーシッターをしていた近所の人の子どもを虐待したと訴えられ被告人となっていた。元妻は、息子が私に傍聴に来るように頼んできたと言っていたが、裁判所に着いたとき、実際には息子が頼んだと言ったことは、元妻の考えであり、裁判にかかる費用は何であれ、私に払ってほしかったのだ。彼女はカール(犬)とその父親とたくさんの援助者を一緒に連れてきていた。カールの行動を実験だとして、言い訳を探していた -- 私は一人でした。突然怖くなって歩き出し、待合室を横切って公衆電話に向かい、(AAの)インターグループに電話した。親切な女性が、私の話と恐怖の声を聞いて私を落ち着かせるために数分間保留にしてくれた。彼女が戻ってきたとき、こう言った。ウリが私の隣に座りに行っているから。約20分後(私たちはまだ、呼ばれるのを聞くのを待っていた)、年配の男性が混雑した待合室に入ってきた。私を見て、真っすぐ私に向って歩いてきてた。そして手を差し出して自己紹介をした。ウリは法廷に呼ばれるまで、私と一緒に座っていてくれた。そしてこう言った。ウリは、法廷から出たときもここにいるからと。私はもはや一人ではない、恐怖は消え去った。私は勇気をもって法廷でこう言った。私の息子は、明らかに病気で、治療が必要なので、家からここに来ることはできなかった、と。法廷審問のあと、法廷審問のあと、ウリは私をミーティングに連れて行ってくれて、その後はミーティングで知り合った 数人の男性と一緒にランチに行ってくれた。


→ 2008年、私はパキスタンへの数か月にわたる派遣から帰る途中のフライトで、アフガニスタンのバグラムを経由していた。私の前の

は仲間の一人、ジョー・J に連絡を取ってくれた。ジョーは、アルツハイマー病の父親の介護をしていた。ジョーと私は、数時間話した。そして資料として「一日36時間」という本を勧めてくれた。ジョーは、洞察力と励まし与えてくれ、介護者として彼自身のミスや欠点を分かち合った。




Translator : kj

Hi, Everyone. My name is Dave and I am an alcoholic. Thanks for a fantastic topic, George, your friendship, and for your daily missives from Wisconsin. Welcome to all and congrats to AA (and HP!) for any milestones we celebrate this week. The program works!

George's story of Sally and Jim driving miles and miles to bring him a meeting in the hospital brought tears to my eyes and gladness to my heart. It also brought to mind dozens of stories As I walk through these memories, more tears of gratitude will follow.

In the late 90s, I traveled from Virginia to California for a court hearing in Alameda County for my 13-year old adopted son (his mom and I had divorced). He had been accused of abusing a neighbor's son he was babysitting. My ex-wife had told me that he had asked me to be there, but when I got there, I realized it had been her idea and she wanted me there to pay for whatever this was going to cost. She had brought in Carl's father and a host of allies, seeking to excuse Carl's behavior as experimentation -- I was alone. I suddenly felt frightened and walked across the waiting room to a payphone and called Intergroup. The kind woman on the phone heard my tale and the fear in my voice and put me on hold for a couple of minutes. When she came back on, she told me that Uli would be coming to sit with me. About 20 minutes later (we were still waiting for the hearing to be called), an older gent walked into the crowded waiting room, saw me and walked straight to me, stuck out his hand and introduced himself. Uli sat with me while I waited for us to be called into court and said he would be there when I got out. I was no longer alone and the fear left. I had the courage to tell the court that my son was obviously sick and needed treatment that could not come from his home. After the hearing, Uli took me to a meeting and then to lunch with a bunch of men from the meeting.

A few years after that, I was in Adelaide, Australia for business. I called intergroup to find local meetings and the woman who answered the phone apologized for not knowing the part of town I was in, but said she would call John (who used to work the phones) who lived nearby. John called me back and offered to pick me up that evening for a meeting. When we got to the meeting, he arranged for folks to pick me up every day I was there and take me to meetings.

In 2008, I was flying through Bagram, Afghanistan, on my way home from a months-long deployment to Pakistan. A former sponsee of mine had served at Bagram and had given me the name of one of his mates (Paul) from the meetings there. While I waited for my flight out Bagram to Kuwait, I called Paul. There was no meeting that night, and Paul was still at work, but he dropped everything and brought another member to pick me up at the air terminal. We had dinner in the DFAC (dining facility) and even had a single round rocket attack on the way! The three of us dined on steak and lobster (special meal night at the DFAC!) and had a meeting right there. They brought me back to the terminal and showed me where the USO was so I could call home and let Terri know I had made it out of Pakistan and was headed home.

A few months ago, after my wife had been diagnosed with dementia, my sponsor put me in touch with another of his pigeons, Joe J., who had been taking care of his dad with Alzheimers. Joe talked with me for a couple of hours and recommended the book, The 36-hour Day, as a resource. He has provided insights and encouragement and shared his own mistakes and short-comings as a care-giver.

There have been many such stories over the years . . . and there will be others to come.

Love and peace from a cool and windy Moseley, VA,


This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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