Step 11 - Relationship With God - Sandy (2024/7/7)  [Home]
ステップ11 - 神との関係



Translator : yu

HI ......Sandy , alcoholic and fr the beginning I believed in God, just sure He wasn't working for me in my life. But , after 11 months of meetings, rehab and the desire to drink, always, going back to a few, but continuing to meetings, He suddenly, without warning, took the desire awway overrnight and I started to do 90 meetings in 90 days, the thing that saved me,as I had NO self-discipline and needed to do that to get sober. I do believe that ! I do believe that He got me sober, has kept me sober and will do, if I let HIm...........people and meetings helped along the way and service in my AA bookstore helps, tooLOve and Blessings to ALL who are new, celebrating a day, a week or MORE

Sandy in wisc

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

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