On Topic - Acceptance - Gary (2024/9/29)  [Home]
トピック - 受け入れること






その後、別のミーティングに参加したとき、一人の女性が、ステップ3を完全に実行していなかったことについて話していました。その時まで彼女は『降伏と降伏の間にいる』状態だったと言いました。それを聞いて、私も同じだと気づきました。私は膝をついて、自分の意志と人生を神に委ねなければならないと悟り ... 神がそのように取り計らってくださることを受け入れることができました。

それは単に降伏と降伏の間にいるだけではなく、受け入れと受け入れの間にいることでもありました... そしてこれは今、私の日常生活でも続いています。



Translator : yu

Hi all,

My name is Gary and I am an alcoholic. Thanks Dominic for your share and lead on this vital topic.

When I was in my early days/weeks etc in AA, something happened. I was having a conversation with another member of the group, and I said to her...

I often hear people at meetings trying to explain why they believe they are alcoholic, (parents, upbringing, trauma etc etc) , but for me.. it doesnt matter. I just am an alcoholic. Dont know why, but I just am. .. and that works the same with the allergy analogy ... there is no reason I am allergic to cinnamon... or alcohol... I just am. Accentance to that was necessary to be able to move on.

I accepted I was an alcoholic and surrendered to that thought, but then drifted for several months... I had read step 3 ... but I hadnt done anything about it.

Then I was at another meeting where a lady described not doing step 3 fully and completely, and up to that point she had been "between surrenders". I realised that was me.. I had to get on my knees and hand over my will and my life ... and accept that God could deal with it.

So it wasnt just being between surrenders, but also being between acceptances... and this now carries on in my current daily life

Thank you all for being there

Gary in London

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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